

Package Magic - Build Tool Plugin Documentation

Dashboard > Extend concrete5 > Package Tools To help you prepare packages for download , Package Magic provides a suite of tools to help build and validate packages. When checking for best practice code in packages, the Prohibited Code Check build tool uti…

Container Magic

If your theme doesn't provide any containers... Container Magic installs a suite of 20 + containers that work with Bootstrap based themes such as the core Atomik and Elemental themes and with Ensemble based themes such as Modena. If your theme only provides a few containers... Container Magic

Package Magic

Package Magic is a suite of tools for site owners and developers who use packages. Once Package Magic is installed , you can forget about the inconvenience of using your development system file manager and zip tools , the CLI , and FTP or SSH to generate and deploy packages. Package Magic

Package Magic - Package Source Documentation

Dashboard > Extend concrete5 > Upload Package Package magic can ' upload ' packages from a range of sources. Validation of zip archive contents Uplods are checked for a range of issues and rejected if any problems are found. If an upload does not contain …

Package Magic - Package Destination Documentation

If you are installing packages using Package Magic , Package Magic Sources will accept packages with version numbers in the zipped archive name and double - check the version number against that in the package controller. Compil…

Package Magic - Extending with Plugins

Magic Plugins The Package Magic Plugins dashboard page provides a single place to review which plugins are installed , read the built in documentation , link to support on the ConcreteCMS Marketplace. If you find the plethora …

Application Note - Using Package Magic to deploy Community Store

…llation on a site is by necessity a manual process involving downloads, unzipping, renaming directories, FTP into a site and finally installation through the dashboard. All of that is greatly simplified using the full version of Package Magic. Having installed Package Magic Starter and Package Magic

Tabs and AJAX

Loading tab sets AJAX loading tab sets Magic Tabs can be used with AJAX capable loaders such as Universal Content Puller. If you have a tab set in a page area or stack and AJAX load that page area or stack , Magic Tabs will render the tab

Developer Interfaces

JavaScript Events Magic Tabs will trigger the custom JavaScript events : ' jl _ magic _ tabs _ ready ' when tab. ' jl _ magic _ tabs _ change ' when a tab or accordion control is clicked or changed ( such as following Magic

Splitting a Form into Tabs

The Form to Magic Tabs block can be used to break forms and page lists into a series of tabs. It works with forms blocks from Express , Legacy Form , Formidable , Formify ( Advanced Forms ) and the core Page List ( as shown in the right sidebar for " Magic Tabs


Searching on this site uses Search++, a highly enhanced search system for concrete5.

Have a play, enter some multi-word searches that you know would be defeated by the core page search and see how they are handled by Search++.

For example, the core search would find "Magic Tabs", but would return no results for any of:

Search++ handles full phrases and individual words, stemming, synonyms, abbreviations and acronyms, building a ranked search to list the best matches.

We also have  a page showing a more direct comparison at Search Comparison.

If you would like to add similar enhanced searching to your concrete5 site, please contact me and we can discuss your search requirements.