

Example - From other sites

content When you want to show content from another site you own or from a third party , the Content Source to use will be URL. You may have already seen this in use in Example - CSV Data, where a CSV file is pulled straight from an external source. But such content

Example - URL with Form

In previous examples we have used the NASA RSS feed to show how content can be pulled from any URL and manipulated in various ways. Here we are doing that again, but with a twist. Suppose you have a remote URL that will return data according to one or more paramet…

Example - SQL Data with Form

XX Sources with Form The Site Database with Form and Any Database with Form Content Sources are further sources in the XX Sources extension addon package for Universal Content Puller

Example - Common Sidebar

…tors to manage The UCP solution is what you can see on the sidebar to the right, implementing a common sidebar for these UCP documentation pages. The Content Sources you would most likely consider for this are Parent Area or Page Area. This is a fairly simple application , just configure the content

Example - RSS Feed

content Concrete5 already has an RSS block , but its a bit tired and inflexible. If you want to do more with an RSS feed you either need to get coding for a block template and possibly a controller override , or you can explore the possibilities with Universal Content Puller

Getting started with charts

With that in mind , one way to begin is by using your selected Content Source and Content Transform with the Table Content Display to view your data. Adjust the transforms and display settings…

Legacy Addons and Themes

Blocks By Ajax A generic AJAX loaded for concrete blocks. It worked by providing custom templates through the companion addon Blocks By Ajax Templates1. Now built in to Universal Content Puller

Tabs and AJAX

Loading tab sets AJAX loading tab sets Magic Tabs can be used with AJAX capable loaders such as Universal Content Puller. If you have a tab set in a page area or stack and AJAX load that page …

Example - Chart from SQLite

Here we have a more complex example. An SQLite database is uploaded to the Concrete File Manager and pulled using the SQLite File Manager with Form content source. The database is the well used chinook.db example database for music sales data. Whilst there is plen…

Example - CSV Data

…e You have some CSV files you would like to show as tables. For a content source , you can either pull the file as a URL or file path using the URL source , or upload the file to the concrete5 File Manager and pull from the there using the File source. The choice of Content Transform is CSV. Content


Searching on this site uses Search++, a highly enhanced search system for concrete5.

Have a play, enter some multi-word searches that you know would be defeated by the core page search and see how they are handled by Search++.

For example, the core search would find "Magic Tabs", but would return no results for any of:

Search++ handles full phrases and individual words, stemming, synonyms, abbreviations and acronyms, building a ranked search to list the best matches.

We also have  a page showing a more direct comparison at Search Comparison.

If you would like to add similar enhanced searching to your concrete5 site, please contact me and we can discuss your search requirements.