

Advanced Settings

To use Magic Tabs for a straight forward set of tabs , you only need Add and Save the block without entering anything to the edit dialog. Magic Tabs takes care of everything else. Other tabs in the Edit Block introduce a range of advanced settings that can optionally be used to change tab

Form to Magic Tabs block details

… this page After sucessfully submitting the Example - Contact Form on Splitting a Form Into Tabs. This page is set as the form response page. By navigating to this page through the usual page navigation. If you got here through page navigation and have not previously read Splitting a Form into Tabs

Magic Tabs

…ld be simpler than just inserting a block where you want to start a new tab? Just insert Magic Tabs between any other blocks and your page will magically split into tabs or accordions. Magic Tabs is so simple , yet offers so much more : Easy Templating Many different tab templates included. Most tab

Jump and Linking to Specific Tabs

Magic Tab block A Jump to Magic Tab block can be used to jump to a tab within a page , but not to other pages. A Jump to Magic Tab block can be placed anywhere on a page , including within any tab , immediately above or below a set of tabs

Global Settings

Global settings apply to all Magic Tabs blocks , not just the block being edited and are for settings that govern how Magic Tabs behaves site! Global settings can be edited directly from the Magic Tabs

Problem Solving - Container Magic

How does Container Magic work? The Concrete CMS core implements containers using a specialized block type. Container Magic overrides the core view . php for that block type and inserts a few of its own lines of code just before …

Getting Started

Magic Tabs , this Getting Started page and other Magic Tabs documentation pages are built as a series of Magic. You can see many more examples of what you can achieve with Magic Tabs throughout the Magic Tabs documentation. Creating a Set of Tabs

Example - AJAX

AJAX capabilities The options for Universal Content Puller ' s AJAX settings are listed under the AJAX Tab of the Advanced documentation page and are available under the Advanced tab of the Universal Content Puller edit dialog. …

Package Magic - Prohibited Code Check Plugin Documentation

Package Magic. Prohibited Code Check Plugins. Prohibited Code Checks are implemented through pluggable checks. … Alternative Syntax. Detect alternative syntax, generally discouraged. Alternative syntax are control structures using colons and ending with: e…


Searching on this site uses Search++, a highly enhanced search system for concrete5.

Have a play, enter some multi-word searches that you know would be defeated by the core page search and see how they are handled by Search++.

For example, the core search would find "Magic Tabs", but would return no results for any of:

Search++ handles full phrases and individual words, stemming, synonyms, abbreviations and acronyms, building a ranked search to list the best matches.

We also have  a page showing a more direct comparison at Search Comparison.

If you would like to add similar enhanced searching to your concrete5 site, please contact me and we can discuss your search requirements.