Frontend Dashboard is a theme that replicates the styling of the Concrete CMS Dashboard pages.
Use Frontend Dashboard to style pages of information for site editors and administrators. Anything from management information to a built in user guide can be better expressed when visually associated with the dashboard rather than the primary theme of your site.
Frontend Dashboard is not your average theme. It doesn't do much in the way of setting its own styles. It does a lot to pull in and work with existing dashboard styles. With that in mind, it is substantially different between Concrete CMS v8 and v9, while remaining compatible with both core versions from the same package.
For most sites, you will want to use page permissions to ensure only site editors and administrators can view frontend dashboard pages.
Some ideas for using Frontend Dashboard:
To help you make navigation look like it does in the actual dashboard, the Frontend Dashboard theme comes with custom templates for navigation blocks and a custom block type to add navigation buttons just like you would see on Concrete CMS dashboard pages. It also installs a real dashboard page that indexes all Frontend Dashboard pages.
This page uses the Frontend Dashboard Full Width page template.
A frontend theme styled after the Concrete CMS dashboard and integrated with many dashboard features. Automatically adapts for the v8 or v9 dashboard depending on the Concrete core version
ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.0.4
A frontend theme styled after the concrete5 dashboard.