File Nav Templates

Templates for the core File block and core Document Library block to make them look like an Autonav in a sidebar.

On the right we have, appearing as a seamless list of nav items:

  • File block with 'Nav' template, configured to force download.
  • Nestable Manual Nav.
  • Autonav.
  • Document Library with 'Nav' template, configured to display in browser.

The templates are compatible with Bootstrap based themes for Concrete CMS v9 and v8 They may work with other themes as long as they follow the usual classes for Autonav.

The templates have only been tested in a sidebar view. In theory, they may work in other situations where an Autonav is used, but they have not been tested anywhere other than a sidebar. The addon is free, so if you want to try elsewhere, just give it a go!

File Nav Templates

jl_file_nav_templates - v9.0.1

Templates for the core File block and core Document Library block to make them look like an Autonav in a sidebar. Compatible with Bootstrap based themes. May work with other themes.

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.0.1