v5.6 Addons and Themes

A brief overview of addons and themes developed for legacy Concrete version 5.6 and earlier.

Ajax Lessons

A demonstration of doing AJAX transactions with c5.6 , the practical side of a HowTo. Largely obsolete in current Concrete CMS. The HowTo can still be found as a tutorial in the depths of the Concrete CMS legacy documentation.

Backup Job

A job to run the c5,6 built in database backup. Such a backup strategy is no longer practical. Databases are too big and complicated to run a backup in-site using PHP.

Backup Voodoo

A sophisticated site backup application for making a backup of all files and the database. Backup Voodoo got round the limitations of PHP and web servers by breaking the backup into a series of slices. Both the number of files and the complexity of databases in current sites makes a similar strategy no longer practical.

Blocks By Ajax

A generic AJAX loaded for concrete blocks. It worked by providing custom templates through the companion addon Blocks By Ajax Templates1. Now built in to Universal Content Puller.

Cache Filler Job

Primes the Concrete cache by filling it with key pages. Similar functionality is now provided by Cache Warmer.

Cache Free Content

Equivalents to the core Content and HTML blocks with cache disabled. No longer relevant as block cache settings can be managed from the Advanced section of block design.

Cache Vac Job

A job to empty the cache. Similar functionality is now provided by Extreme Clean.

Concrete Bricks

A Tetris-like game built in to a Concrete block. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Concrete Paving

A grid filling game built in to a Concrete block. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Config Info

Show site configuration info. Similar functionality is now provided by Ele-PHP-ant Info.

Constants Info

Show site constants info. Similar functionality is now provided by Ele-PHP-ant Info.

Country State Manager

Manage and edit the core list of countries and states. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Editor Comment

Updated for the current Concrete CMS and available as Editor Comment.

Extreme Clean

Updated for the current Concrete CMS and extended with further cleaning functionality. Available as Extreme Clean.


Manage and use a list of national Flags. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Flex Job Scheduler

A poor-mans-cron to piggyback jobs onto web requests. Now superseded by Concrete CMS core jobs and subsequently tasks scheduling functionality.

Front End Attribute Editor

Edit page attributes from a block in the front end of a page. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Front End Filemanager

Add a file manager popup button in a block. Advanced permissions made this largely irrelevant. Some of the functionality is now incorporated into Snapshot.

Front End Fileset Tools

Manage a fileset from an in-page block. Advanced permissions made this largely irrelevant. Some of the functionality is now incorporated into Snapshot.

Front End List Magic

Sort, paginate and edit image galleries and other lists. Advanced galleries such as Omni Gallery make this irrelevant.

Front End Uploader

A drag & drop file uploader block. Similar functionality and more  is now incorporated into Snapshot.

Image List Templates

Image list templates for the List Files From Set addon. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Instant Swipe

Attaches touch/swipe functionality to existing galleries. Most image galleries now incorporate swipe compatibility, so this clever little addon became irrelevant. Omni Gallery has great swipe capability through several of the Display widgets.

Jobs Job

Job to re-enable jobs that are stuck running. Now superseded by Concrete CMS core functionality.


An in-block Javascript development system incorporating a syntax editor, defensive wrappers and asset loading through JQuickie Bundles1. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Last Updated

Intelligently show the time a page was Last Updated. Updated and available as Last Updated.

Load Ui

Load the jQuery UI JavaScript bundle. Not particularly relevant to current Concrete CMS, but could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Magic Data

A macro language for extracting and manipulating data for showing information in blocks and many other purposes. Supplemented by many further extensions: Black Magic Data, Magic Data Commerce, Magic Data Developer, Magic Data Forms, Magic Data Forms CSV, Magic Data On Block Load. Magic Data Symbols1, Magic Data Templates1, Magic Job, Magic Yogurt (theme), Sorcerer's Gallery, Sorcerer's Map, Uber List, Uber Filter.

This could potentially be ported to current ConcreteCMS, but the overhead of doing so and maintaining the code is just not worth it.

Magic Heading

Show a page name as an in page heading and automatically fill in the page description from page content. Showing a page name as an in page heading is now provided by the core Page Title block.

Magic Linkify

Provide a list of text and links, then automatically add the links to matching content text across a site. This could potentially be ported to current ConcreteCMS.

Magic Tabs

A robust, flexible and easy to use tabs and accordion addon, ported forward and maintained through to the current Concrete CMS. See Magic Tabs.

Magic Tipple

Provide a list of terms and tips, then automatically attach the tips as popups to matching content terms across a site. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Magic Toggle

Toggle between blocks of content. Functionality now incorporated into Magic Tabs.

Maintenance Mode Jobs

Jobs to put a site into maintenance mode and take a site out of maintenance mode. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Oembed Plugins for UCP and Magic Data

Integrate Universal Content Puller and Magic Data with the Oembed addon.

Panic Button

Use the keyboard 'Esc' key as a site wide panic button or add a visible Panic Button to  pages. Hit 'Esc' or click the button and off you go anywhere on the web.

Parent Area

Show anm area from a parent page. Now incorporated into Universal Content Puller.


Show phpinfo. Similar functionality is now provided by Ele-PHP-ant Info.

Pirate Speak

Translate text to Pirate Speak. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Proper Job

Provide an in-page button to run a job. Now superseded by Tasks. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS task system.

Quick Attribute View

Show page attributes. The core attribute display block made this redundant.

Quick Log View

Show site log entries in a block. No current equivalent, but the core dashboard Logs page has a considerably more advanced search. The addon PHP Debug Bar for Concrete CMS incorporates similar functionality.

Quick Param View

Show site query info. Similar functionality is now provided by Ele-PHP-ant Info. The addon PHP Debug Bar for Concrete CMS also incorporates similar functionality.

Quick Stack View

Show current call stack info. Superseded by Whoops built into the core.

Redirect When Visible

Redirect to another page or any URL when this block becomes visible. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Search Block Templates

Some templates for the core Search block. Updated for current Concrete CMS as Enlil Search Templates. See also Search++ for a much enhanced search system.

Session Vac Job

Clear out old session files. This may still be relevant to some environments and could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS and updated to work as a Task.

Sorcerers Gallery

A Magic Data enabled gallery and slideshow block. Now superseded by Omni Gallery.

Sorcerers Map

Magic Data enabled Google Map block. Would require Magic Data to be updated!

Spectrum Color Picker

A color picker widget implementing the Spectrum Color Picker prior to the current Concrete CMS core (the old core color picker was not very good).

SQL Info

Show info about the MySQL database and environment.  Similar functionality is now provided by Ele-PHP-ant Info.

Structured Content

An alternative way of structuring and editing content. Now superseded by the much improved functionality of the core content Rich Text Editor.

Style Quickie

An in-block LESS/CSS development system incorporating a syntax editor, less compiler and asset loading through Style Quickie Bundles1. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS.

Syntax Anywhere

In-page syntax highlighting applied to snippets of code in content blocks and other blocks. Fully updated and enhanced for the current Concrete CMS as Syntax Anywhere.

Toolbar Quick Links

Added convenient File Manager, Sitemap and eCommerce quick link icons to the toolbar. Now largely superseded by core Concrete CMS functionality.

Uber List

A list building enhancement of Magic Data. Would require Magic Data to be updated! Much list building and display functionality is provided by Universal Content Puller.

Uber Filter

An in-page filtering enhancement of Uber List. Would require Uber List and Magic Data to be updated! Much list building, filtering a and display functionality is provided by Universal Content Puller.

Universal Content Puller

The original Universal Content Puller provides a simple unified interface to pulling in content from& many sources including other pages, other sites and RSS feeds. This has been extended into the current Universal Content Puller with a massively flexible and extensible architecture of sources, transformations and displays.

The original addon was extended through Universal Content Puller Developer, Universal Content Puller Formigo Containers Wrapper, Universal Content Puller Sources1, Universal Content Puller Sources2.

Zone Based Shipping

A highly configurable shipping module for the original eCommerce addon. This could potentially be ported to current Concrete CMS to work with Community Store.