Problem Solving - Container Check

Will Container Check show containers accurately?

The display provided by Container Check is intended to be representative, not strictly accurate. Container Check uses the grid model of the Concrete CMS dashboard theme, which is Bootstrap based. Hence the representation of your theme's containers will be best if your theme also uses a compatible Bootstrap grid model.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of similarities between grid models, so other grid models will usually be represented in some way, at least enough to identify the areas.

What happens when containers provide collapsing or optional areas?

Container Check can identify some of the usual code structures used for optional or collapsible areas and will add a note to the dashboard report for that container. 

If the optional areas use the <code>(Optional)</code> marker convention of Container Magic, then Container Check will usually be able to mark the individual areas within the container.

What happens when containers use a loop to render areas?

Container Check can identify some of the usual code structures used for looped areas and will add a note to the dashboard report for that container. 

However, Container Check cannot actually render looped areas. In most cases, you will see a single representation of the area that is looped.

Do I need Container Magic?

Container Check and Container Magic are designed to both work independently. You can install either addon by itself, or both together.

When both addons are installed you benefit from enhanced functionality in each dashboard page where the Container Check can look specifically inside containers built for Container Magic and the Container Magic dashboard page can show additional information sources from Container Check.

Manually Installing or Updating an Addon or Theme

Perhaps you are unable to connect your site directly to the ConcreteCMS marketplace to install an addon or theme. This manual process works for all addons and themes - not just mine.

  1. In your concrete account, find the addon/theme in your Purchase History > Licenses and download. Make sure to scroll down to the most recent version before downloading.
  2. Then copy the zip to your site /packages/ directory and unzip (not /concrete/packages !!!). This is usually easiest using your host cPanel file manager.
  3. In your site, visit the Dashboard > Extend page and the theme package will be ready to install or update

The process is exactly the same for addons and themes, except themes have an extra step of activating the theme after installing.

Sometimes step 3 above can run out of PHP execution time. This is most likely when installing an addon or theme that installs a large amount of sample content. You should not run into such an issue with any of my addons or themes.

If you do run into such issues, you can run the install manually from the shell command line.

$ concrete/bin/concrete5 c5:package-install my_package_handle


$ concrete/bin/concrete5 c5:package-update my_package_handle

When updating, be sure to replace the previously installed package directory rather than adding to it. If not, you could end up accumulating obsolete debris from a previous version of the package.

If you find yourself needing to install or update many addons or themes manually, consider my Package Magic addon.

Once Package Magic Starter is installed, through the marketplace or manually, all further installs can be handled from the site dashboard using Package Magic.

Additional Pages

If you are building in-site documentation for your customers, have a look at the Frontend Dashboard theme.

Container Check requires Concrete CMS core version 9+ and is not compatible with v8 sites.