9.0.9 - Minimum core version now 9.1.3. Updated for new market.
9.0.8 - Add clearfix to cm-magic class.
9.0.7 - Fix issue with priority of null coalescing operator.
9.0.6 - Classes cm-magic-xxx inserted for convenience of styling from themes. Clean up duplicated classes.
9.0.5 - Remove variants incorrectly bundled with v9.0.4. Stronger tests for missing container files.
9.0.4 - Fix container width in edit mode for Bootstrap3 themes.
9.0.3 - Remove debug code mistakenly left in v9.0.2
9.0.2 - Additional single column containers. Utility class cm-flex-wrap. Fix spelling of Single in name. Remove redundant column classes.
9.0.1 - Global settings for variants. Cleaner uninstall. More containers.
9.0.0 - Marketplace approval
0.9.0 - PRB review version
Container Magic requires Concrete CMS core version 9.0.2+ and is not compatible with v8 sites.