Version History

Before installing, please endure existing installed addons are updated.

jl_last_updated - v9.0.9 - resources v9.2.29

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.0.9

9.0.9 - Update resources to 9.2.29. Alias PermissionKey to avoid autoloader confusion with AttributeKey.

9.0.8 - Update resources to 9.2.27.

9.0.7 - Resources updated to 9.2.24, improvements to named settings and compatibility with Stored Settings Manager.

9.0.6 - Update resources to 9.2.23

9.0.5 - Compatibility with core v9.2.0. Update resources to v9.2.14.

9.0.4 - php8 compatibility. Resources updated to v9.2.12.

9.0.3 - Development version.

9.0.2 - Update resources to v9.1.22

9.0.0 - Consolidates addon and resources v9 updates with version numbers from 9.0.0 Import/export further enhanced. Minimum concrete version now 8.5.2.

7.9.1 - Work-round for ConcreteCMS core and php issue with windows path length. Resources updated to 2.19.33.

7.9.0 - Version 9 compatible while maintaining compatibility with v8. Includes blocks in containers. Resources updated to 2.19.31.

7.2.4 - Resources updated to v2.13.3. Version information provided with support information.

7.2.3 - Updated resources v2.12.5.

7.2.2 - Fix issue arising from no areas on front end single pages.

7.2.1 - Developer option to show settings modal. Integrate with updated resources v2.8.8.

7.2.0 - Integrate with updated resources v2.7.9 including permissions for updated plugins. The dashboard pages have moved to Dashboard > Stacks & Blocks > Last Updated.

7.1.2 - php7 compatibility of resources.

7.1.1 - Removes some deprecated code. Update to resources v2.4.4 - avoids an obscure security loophole left by the core encryption helper on php7.2+.

7.1 - Update to resources v2.1.2. IMPORTANT. This update changes the way global settings are stored. Before updating, go to Last Updated in the dashboard and Export your settings. After updating, go to Last Updated in the dashboard and Import your settings.

7.0.4 - php7 compatibility of date helper plugin.

7.0.3 - Option to look inside comment blocks.

7.0.2 - Accommodate windows '\' paths in SystemBase

7.0.1 - Fix php version incompatibility for php 5.3

7.0 - initial release.