Version History

9.0.1 - Option to navigate to incoming URL #fragment

9.0.0 - Marketplace approval

Review and development versions

0.2.1 - Change dummy item labels generated for sorting empty parent levels to use ' ' space instead of '_' underscore.

0.2.0 - 1ms timeout before starting navigation to dodge #history skew when browser prefers no animation.

0.1.9 - Enhance fallback capabilities for Icon Picker.

0.1.8 - Tidy up diagnostics. Fix block copy issue.

0.1.7 - Exception handling and fallback for scrolling. 

0.1.6 - Ensure generated #hash ids are unique.

0.1.5 - Better labelling for BTT #hash in history, Pixel units specified for scroll offset, Order and show/hide for title options, CSS for title padding option changed to 1rem.

0.1.4 - Fix icon picker dependencies.

0.1.3 - More BTT options and better BTT CSS.

0.1.2 - Fix issue with just one Local Nav target

0.1.1 - Minor change to t() placeholders in advanced tab

0.1.0 - Ready for review