Before installing, please ensure existing installed addons are updated.
9.0.11 - Compatibility with new marketplace.
9.0.10 - Fix empty $css in ButtonNavDialogController.
9.0.9 - Buttons as image thumbnails. Omni Gallery templates. Fix repeater for blocks with an edit mode view. Fix side panel scroll height when toolbar shown.
9.0.8 - Improve edit mode repeater styling for v9/bs5.
9.0.7 - Fix php8 glitch when no link/url.
9.0.6 - Assorted php8 and MySQL version compatibility fixes.
9.0.5 - Facilitate scroll in long side panels.
9.0.4 - Require bootstrap.js asset in v9 for dropdown.
9.0.3 - Fix mismatched quotes in icon picker.
9.0.2 - Fix php8 issue with youtube templates.
9.0.1 - Fix !empty() test on autonav dropdown template.
9.0.0 - php8 compatibility.
1.9.1 - Improvements to icon picker.
1.9.0 - Compatibility with concrete v9 and Atomik theme, maintaining compatibility with v8. Improve window left/right placement offset from top. Option to move or copy block design into button content.
If you are updating from an earlier version of Button Nav, you may need to check/edit offset for buttons placed window left/right. See Problem Solving.
Further updates will be forthcoming where further addons and blocks supported by Button Nav are yet to be updated to work with v9.
1.2.11 - Refactor button save processing.
1.2.9 - Improve edit mode experience in templates for UCP.
1.2.8 - New slideout templates.
1.2.7 - Add templates for Universal Content puller.
1.2.6 - not uploaded, development only.
1.2.5 - Improved query for recent button designs.
1.2.4 - Fix issue with ajax loading of buttons that show lightbox popup.
1.2.3 - Templates for core Youtube block.
1.2.2 - Improved integration with Buttons Factory Pro.
1.2.1 - Fix previous button selector broken by v1.2.0.
1.2.0 - Lightbox templates. Be sure to clear cache after this update to ensure CSS and JavaScript updates are used.
1.1.0 - Enable buttons in stacks opened by buttons. New dropdown background colour select.
1.0.5 - Dropdown templates for core content and stack display. Fix issue with image background on older cores.
1.0.4 - New options for image and colour. Fix issue with window edge css in edit mode.
1.0.3 - New options for attaching buttons to the side of the browser window.
1.0.2 - Fix immediate response of preview to icon modifiers.
1.0.1 - Refactored and consolidated button display.
1.0 - First release.