Version History

Before installing, please ensure existing installed addons are updated.

Package Magic

jl_package_magic - v9.1.3 - resources v9.3.18

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.1.3

9.1.3 - More detailed message after puke for unknown package. Tips mechanism for Package Information and other documentation blocks.

9.1.2 - Fix ignore composer flag for php8.

9.1.1 - Fix incorrect $app shutdown in OnlinePackageInfoRequestHandler.

9.1.0 - Package Magic is now self contained and Package Magic Starter is discontinued. Any Package Magic Starter functionality is now provided directly by Package Magic. As such, PM starter and PM v9.1.0 cannot coexist. A simple in-place update will break your site!

The simplest update process is to uninstall all Package Magic family addons in the reverse order of installation. Then manually install Package Magic v9.1.0.

Alternatively, for an in-place update, you can follow this convoluted procedure:

  1. Uninstall all Package Magic extensions such as Package Magic PRB.
  2. Uninstall Package Magic
  3. Use PM Starter to upload the new version of Package Magic - but do not install yet!
  4. Uninstall Package Magic Starter
  5. Install Package Magic

9.0.16 - Fix fallback declarations for Form Reform integration when it is not installed. Minimum core version now 9.1.3

9.0.15 - New form control blocks to select packages for Form Reform.

9.0.14 - Preparation for new marketplace. Update resources to 9.3.8. Minimum core supported now Concrete CMS v9.1.3.

9.0.13 - Fix prohibited code check tool.

9.0.12 - Update resources to 9.2.31.

9.0.11 - Fix remove_mac option.

9.0.10 - Update resources to 9.2.29. Alias PermissionKey to avoid autoloader confusion with AttributeKey.

9.0.9 - Update resources to 9.2.27.

9.0.8 - Update resources to 9.2.23.

9.0.7 - Fix issue with plugin docs block and /application/ packages.

9.0.6 - Extend Package Info display with Plugins provided. Update resources to v9.2.21.

9.0.5 - Update resources to v9.2.20. php8 fixes to documentation block edit dialogues.

9.0.4 - Disable block cache while indexing search (core block view doesn't like it). Update resources to v9.2.16.

9.0.3 - Compatibility with core v9.2.0. Update resources to v9.2.14.

9.0.2 - Functional improvements for display block and filters.

9.0.1 - Layout and php8 fixes for display block.

9.0.0 - php8 compatibility. Minimum supported core version now 8.5.12 (though Package Magic will probably continue to work with earlier core versions). Update resources to v9.2.12.

1.9.5 - Update resources to v9.1.22

1.9.4 - Fix edit issue in plugin documentation block. Add generic documentation block. Resources updated to v9.1.7.

1.9.3 - Resources updated to v9.0.2. Resolve issue with cache key on windows. Resolve issue with exclude vendor on windows.

1.9.2 - Work-round for Concrete CMS core and php issue with windows path length. Resources updated to 2.19.33.

1.9.1 - Make plugin permissions compatible with v9. Improve FTP upload/download. Resources updated to v2.19.17.

1.9.0 - Compatibility with concrete v9 and maintaining compatibility with v8. Integration with Site Sniffer to provide additional checks and analysis.

1.3.7 - Extend version support for associated packages. Resources updated to v2.14.1.

1.3.6 - Package info block now checks marketplace version.

1.3.5 - Align with new and marketplace. Resources updated to v2.14.0.

1.3.4 - Resources updated to v2.13.3. Version information provided with support information.

1.3.3 - Improved search coverage for documentation and info blocks. Update to resources v2.12.5.

1.3.2 - Package source for /packages dir. Resources updated to v2.9.6.

1.3.1 - New package information block. Resources updated to v2.8.8.

1.3.0 - Integrate with updated resources v2.7.9 including permissions for updated plugins.

1.2.11 - Update to resources

1.2.9 - Removed GitHub package source. Please use From URL package source in its place.

1.2.8 - Fix static call in object context.

1.2.7 - New tool to report on block and template usage. License now standard marketplace license.

1.2.6 - ;Adds sublime-project to the IDE files excluded.

1.2.5 - Provide searchable content from plugin documentation block.

1.2.4 - Files list now shows files before directories. Short echo tags allowed for appRequired v8+

1.2.3 - php7.2 compatibility of resources

1.2.2 - Enhanced warning about composer for GitHub source.

1.2.1. - Files list extended for reviewing package source files. Optional integration with Syntax Anywhere to highlight source.

1.2.0 - New package sources: GitHub repository, FTP repository. New destination: FTP repository. Update resources to v2.5.7.

1.1.10 - New build tool, LESS compiler.

1.1.9 - Fix use of $db object in uninstaller

1.1.8 - Enhancements to prohibited code checks. Enhancements to JavaScript Validation tool. New plugin documentation block for frontend documentation of any package using my plugin system.

1.1.7 - Update prohibited code checking, more checks, revised deprecated guidelines, more detailed reports.

1.1.6 - Now includes own copy of resources, facilitating update independently from Package Magic Starter. Resources v2.4.4 avoids an obscure security loophole left by the core encryption helper on php7.2+. If you use the FTP package source or destination you may need to re-enter the FTP password.

1.1.5 - Encryption of FTP passwords.

1.1.4 - FTP/SFTP for package sources and destinations. Minor dialog enhancements for Local Repository sources and destinations.

1.1.3 - Cleaned up some false positives on prohibited code detection

1.1.2 - Correct typos in diagnostic messages

1.1 - CSS and JavaScript validation tools. Enhancements to prohibited code checks. Enhancements to dashboard plugins listing.

1.0.8 - Enhancements to prohibited code detection tool.

1.0.7 - Development only, not uploaded.

1.0.6 - Uploader can now remove unwanted files from an archive before installing.

1.0.5 - Trim blank space from format strings for local repository download..

1.0.4 - Fix error reporting when checking faulty package for download.

1.0.3 - New tool: comment density metric.

1.0.1 - New build tools: Prohibited Code Check; Remove Package Files.

1.0 - Initial release

Package Magic Starter

Package Magic Starter is discontinued with all functionality now provided by Package Magic. As such, Package Magic Starter and Package Magic v9.1.0 cannot coexist. See Package Magic version history for update details.

9.0.5 - Preparation for new marketplace. Update resources to 9.3.8.  Minimum core supported now Concrete CMS v9.1.3.

9.0.4 - Update resources to 9.2.29. Alias PermissionKey to avoid autoloader confusion with AttributeKey.

9.0.3 - Update resources to 9.2.27. 

9.0.2 - Update resources to 9.2.23.

9.0.1 - Compatibility with core v9.2.0. Update resources to v9.2.14.

9.0.0 - php8 compatibility. Minimum supported core version now 8.5.12 (though Package Magic Starter will probably continue to work with earlier core versions).  Update resources to v9.2.12.

1.9.4 - Update resources to v9.1.22

1.9.3 - Resources updated to v9.0.2. 

1.9.2 - Work-round for ConcreteCMS core and php issue with windows path length. Resources updated to 2.19.33.

1.9.1 - Make plugin permissions compatible with v9. Resources updated to v2.19.17.

1.9.0 - Compatibility with concrete v9 and maintaining compatibility with v8. 

1.2.6 - Base compile check utilities revised to cope with some badly flawed source files. jtf_resources.cli.exec_unavailable set during install.

1.2.5 - Align with new and marketplace. Resources updated to v2.14.0.

1.2.4 - Resources updated to v2.13.3. Version information provided with support information.

1.2.3 - Update to resources v2.12.5.

1.2.2 - Resources updated to v2.9.6.

1.2.1 - Resources updated to v2.8.8.

1.2.0 - Integrate with updated resources v2.7.9 including permissions for updated plugins.

1.1.14 - Fix typo in support notes. Update to resources.

1.1.12 - Update resources. Now uses standard marketplace license.

1.1.11 - php7.2 compatibility of resources.

1.1.10 - Fix check for composer.json

1.1.9 - Enhanced warning about composer files. Fix typo in dot file warning. Update resources to v2.5.7.

1.1.8 - Update resources to v2.5.3

1.1.7 - Checks for composer files left in package

1.1.6 - Resources update

1.1.5 - Enhance fallback logic when unable to perform compile check of uploaded files.

1.1.4 - Update to resources v2.4.4 - avoids an obscure security loophole left by the core encryption helper on php7.2+.

1.1.3 - Compatibility with c5 v8.4.0rc1

1.1.2 - Improved encryption

1.1.1 - Infrastructure enhancements to support extension of Package Magic

1.1 - Enhancements to infrastructure

1.0.2 - Fix typo in error message text

1.0.1 - Provide support for enhanced upload capabilities in Package Magic.

1.0 - Initial release

Package Magic PRB

jl_package_magic_prb - v9.0.1

Package Magic PRB is currently suspended, pending update to work with the new Concrete CMS marketplace.

9.0.1 - Clean up login for PRB listing.

9.0.0 - php8 compatibility. Minimum supported core version now 8.5.12 (though Package Magic PRB will probably continue to work with earlier core versions).

1.9.0 - Compatibility with concrete v9 and maintaining compatibility with v8. 

1.1.0 - Update to integrate with old marketplace micro-site marketplace

1.0.4 - Development, not uploaded.

1.0.3 - Resolve Egg and Chicken prolem when uninstalling

1.0.2 - Development, not uploaded.

1.0.1 - Fix compile check

1.0 - Approval version