

Universal Content Importer

For example, where a form is encountered. Review Navigation block - place this block in a global header and / or footer to navigate forewards / backwards between puilled pages or to open the original source in a separate browser tab. Universal Content …

Example - Tabbed Forms

…ts are completed and the form is submitted at the end. This reveal parts and submit all at the end approach is often called a tabbed form , even when the form is not actually shown within tabs , and that is what we are describing here. Our example is using Form Reform with Magic Tabs to create a tab

Problem Solving

The routes you need to exempt : begin with "/ jtf /" end with "/ upload _ manager /" The rest of the route depends on your site and the snapshot tool. If you want to be specific rather than wild - carding the above , you can check your browser developer console network tab

Local Nav

Automated navigation index within a page . Local Nav builds an in - page navigation index with smooth scrolling navigation and back to top options . Local Nav is like an Autonav block , except it provides navigation within a long page . You specify a few parameters for how Local Nav picks out headin

Developing new Input Blocks

Then look through existing Form Reform Blocks and pick something close as a starting point. You can copy an existing block and rename it ( and the database table ), let your block controller extend the controller of an existing block , or c…


Contact JohntheFish If you would like to discuss business , please email directly to john @ c5magic . co . uk. If you have a question about an addon or theme that has a page in the ConcreteCMS marketplace, please use …

Advanced Capabilities

…o multiple steps, where each part is submitted to the server as a distinct step before the next step is shown. Unlike tabbed forms , multi - step forms don ' t require any assistance from Magic Tabs. With multi - step forms , the successive parts are contained within one page using the Behaviour tab

Using other blocks in forms

A multi-step form shows different Form Reform blocks with each step. In those cases , the behaviour tab of each Form Reform block can be used to determine which blocks are hidden , disabled or even not rendered with each step or when the success message…

Form Behaviour - Form States

Form behaviour in various form states is the mechanism by which form inputs are hidden after a successful form submission and for building multi-step forms. The Behaviour tab Most Form Reform blocks have a Behaviour tab in the block edit dialogue. This tab

Developing new Input Block Templates

Form Control wrapper All form controls are wrapped in a element with some standard classes and $block_state_classes. These classes implement which form states a control is hidden in or disabled in , so work alongside the Redact options in the Behaviour tab


Searching on this site uses Search++, a highly enhanced search system for concrete5.

Have a play, enter some multi-word searches that you know would be defeated by the core page search and see how they are handled by Search++.

For example, the core search would find "Magic Tabs", but would return no results for any of:

Search++ handles full phrases and individual words, stemming, synonyms, abbreviations and acronyms, building a ranked search to list the best matches.

We also have  a page showing a more direct comparison at Search Comparison.

If you would like to add similar enhanced searching to your concrete5 site, please contact me and we can discuss your search requirements.