Sites List

The sites list page at Dashboard > Site Sniffer > Sites provides a list of sites found, categorized by:

  • Current Site - the current site
  • Database Verified - installed with a database
  • No Database - Concrete CMS files present and apparently configured, but the corresponding database cannot be found (typically a files backup of another site)
  • Not Local - configured for a non-local database (typically a files backup of an online site)
  • Incomplete - missing configuration information, so Site Sniffer is unable to tell if there is a database or not (typically unzipped but never installed, but could also be faulty configuration data)

A filter bar across the top of the listing is initially checked to filter the listing to the Current Site and those with Verified Databases. In the listing, convenient links are provided to open a tab or window directly to those sites.

Next to each filter is a count of sites found and analyzed within that category. Another count at the top of the results table gives the number of currently filtered sites and overall total. 


The listing can be expanded by selecting other filters, but because other sites may have issues, they are not directly linked. You can still copy/paste the URL into your browser.

In addition to URL and directory path, each site listed will also be shown with the Core Version and a list of handles for packages in the site's /packages directory. This also includes any in zip files.

The text filter can be used to reduce the listing further. For example, you could enter "8." to reduce the list to just verison 8 sites and then enter "prb" to further trim the list to sites with "prb" in their path.

If you are looking for a package, enter part of the handle such as "site_sniffer" and the list will be reduced to only those sites with Site Sniffer.