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If you got here through page navigation and have not previously read Splitting a Form into Tabs, it is recommended you read that page before reading further.
Forms to Magic Tabs works with the following form blocks
Forms in Forms to Magic Tabs also work nicely with ajaxed express forms, as provided by @mnakalay's AJAX for Express forms, Light and Pro editions.
If you came here via the form submission on Splitting a Form into Tabs and left a required field empty or glitched the captcha you have already experienced this AJAX integration in action.
With From Reform you don't need any of this. Because From Reform builds forms out of blocks, you can simply insert Magic Tabs blocks into forms to split a form into tabs, just as you would for tabs with any other blocks.
Form to Magic Tabs can in theory split any form created with these form blocks into a set of tabs. However, it is usually best to design a form with tabs in mind.
For a really flexible and convenient way to create tabbed forms with any combination of blocks, have a look at Form Reform.
With From Reform you don't need any of this. Because From Reform builds forms out of blocks, you can simply insert Magic Tabs blocks into forms to split a form into tabs, just as you would for tabs with any other blocks.