Version History

Before installing, please ensure existing installed addons are updated.

jl_snapshot - v9.0.17

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.0.17

9.0.17 - Optimise resource loading. When queue processing is 'immediate' ignore the image edit setting.

9.0.16 - Add declarations for php8.2 when first configuring drag-drop tool. 

9.0.15 - Fix array_key_first issue in screengrab tool

9.0.14 - Fix php8 compatibility in SnapshotBaseController.

9.0.13 - Fix autoload issue within same namespace. Style placeholders with italic to match bootstrap.

9.0.12 - Trick autoload for Form Reform extension built in documentation.

9.0.11 - Rework back compatibility with v8. {{data_values}} now available for quarantined files and available or use in repeatable groups. Minimum height for form controls in Form Reform.

9.0.10 - Remove unused and now dead core encryption. Adapt for groups in Form Reform.

9.0.9 - Fix interference with form state on non-ajax multi step forms in Form Reform.

9.0.8 - Fix php8 issue for $data_values provided by Form Reform integration when Form Reform is not installed.

9.0.7 - Quick fix for php8 'to_fileset_id'.

9.0.6 - Ensure core/cms asset group is loaded in v9 to provide dropzone.

9.0.5 - Remove old IE warning from package description.

9.0.4 - Minimum core version now 8.5.4. File upload, screengrab and webcam integration with Form Reform.

9.0.3 - Upload to quarantine, development version only.

9.0.2 - Fix maximum upload limits on drag/drop uploader. Fix version update when quota at maximum.

9.0.1 - Fix interference with page version history preview.

9.0.0 - php8 compatibility.

1.11.0 - Avoid missing page issue during core update. Update TUI image edit to 3.15.3. Update TUI color picker to 2.2.8 (improve selection usability).

1.10.0 - New function to conveniently download image from screengrab or webcam capture.

1.9.2 - Update TUI image editor to 3.15.2. Enable Resize control.

1.9.1 - Fix overlap between dropdown nav menu and save/error messages.

1.9.0 - Compatibility with concrete v9 and maintaining compatibility with v8. 

1.0.12 - Align with new and marketplace.

1.0.11 - Browser cache breaker parameter added to upload feedback. Security option to relax avatar permissions.

1.0.10 - Option to override destination folder with current file manager folder when file manager is open.

1.0.9 - Update vendor JavaScript. Work round core permissions bug.

1.0.8 - Page path and page name from composer forms extended to fallback to page type.

1.0.7 - Data extraction from composer forms refactored for greater flexibility.

1.0.6 - Extract intended page path and page name from composer forms. Work round space key bug in vendor JavaScript.

1.0.5 - Include zoom control in image editor.

1.0.4 - Fix bug in {PagePath} token.

1.0.3 - Routing updated to use verb methods.

1.0.2 - New functionality for upload limits and folder size limits.

1.0.1 - Fix typos in built in documentation blocks. Adjustments to mobile css for image editor. Styles added to dashboard pages to accurately show drag-drop icon when not enabled for toolbar (missing css)

1.0.0 - Approved. Fix screengrab toolbar button styling when enabled for capturing edit dialogs introduced by removing Magnific.

Before marketplace approval

0.9.1 - Minor improvements to image editor CSS to facilitate editing on small mobile devices.

0.9.0 - All uses of Magnific removed to facilitate text entry within the image editor on Firefox.

0.8.6 - Fix typos. Remove duplicate $db= in uninstall().

0.8.5 - Fix logging of successful uploads.

0.8.4 - Example added to {ParentPage...} notes.

0.8.3 - Improvements to Drag & Drop tool dialogs for automatic upload vs user initiated upload. Fix drop prompt message on small screens. Fix secure site detection.

0.8.2 - Search indexing added for built in documentation block. Tidy up of tui-image-editor dialog. Change icon for drag & drop.

0.8.1 - Templates added to documentation block for end user documentation.

0.8.0 - PRB Submission. Development version. Uploaded for testing tools and writing documentation.

Additional Pages

Each of the snapshot tool blocks are shown below. Uploading images is disabled, so feel free to have a play with each of the tools and think about how your web sites can benefit from them!