Add Syntax Anywhere to a site and it will find and highlight sections of code or markup within any block you can write fragments of code into, whatever the programming or markup language.
Syntax Anywhere supports a extendable range of Syntax Processors. Most of these support multiple programming languages, but perhaps not all languages. If you have an obsure language requirement, you may need to look through a few Syntax Processors to find support for your language requirements.
Most Syntax Processors provide multiple themes, so Syntax Anywhere provides a massive choice of how your code is presented. In these pages we show just a few examples.
[code language="php"]
// From within syntax anywhere's block controller
protected $btTable = "btJlSyntaxAnywhere";
protected $btInterfaceWidth = "680";
protected $btInterfaceHeight = "460";
protected $btCacheBlockOutput = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputOnPost = false;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers = true;
public function getBlockTypeName()
return Package::getByHandle('jl_syntax_anywhere')->getPackageName();
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return Package::getByHandle('jl_syntax_anywhere')->getPackageDescription();
[code language="css"]
.ccm-page-background-credit {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
text-align: right;
padding: 10px 30px;
color: #989898;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
[code language="html"]
<div class="my-class"> <ol> <li>List 1</li> <li>List2</li> </ol> </div>
[code language="javascript"]
if (typeof JtF.syntax_anywhere.debug === 'undefined') {
* General fedback, mainly as developer debug.
JtF.syntax_anywhere.set_debug = function (flag) {
JtF.syntax_anywhere.debug_flag = flag;
JtF.syntax_anywhere.debug = function () {
if (!(JtF.syntax_anywhere.debug_flag && window.console && window.console.log)) {
if (!arguments.length) {
window.console.trace && window.console.trace();
} else if (arguments.length === 1) {
} else {
[code language="C++"]
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
// printf() displays the string inside quotation
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;
[code language="python"]
password = ''
while password != 'password':
print('What is the password?')
password = input()
print('Yes, the password is ' + password + '. You may enter.')
[code language="x86asm"]
section .text
global _start
; write our string to stdout.
mov edx,len ; third argument: message length.
mov ecx,msg ; second argument: pointer to message to write.
mov ebx,1 ; first argument: file handle (stdout).
mov eax,4 ; system call number (sys_write).
int 0x80 ; call kernel.
; and exit.
mov ebx,0 ; first syscall argument: exit code.
mov eax,1 ; system call number (sys_exit).
int 0x80 ; call kernel.
section .data
msg db "Hello, world!",0xa ; the string to print.
len equ $ - msg ; length of the string.
[code language="SQL"]
SELECT u.uID, ak_ifa_firstname, ak_ifa_surname, ak_ifa_business_name, ak_ifa_member_qualification, ak_ifa_area_specialism, ak_ifa_filter_research, ak_ifa_essential_oils, ak_ifa_carrier_oils, ak_ifa_ailments
FROM Users u
LEFT JOIN UserSearchIndexAttributes ua ON u.uID = ua.uID
WHERE ak_ifa_filter_research IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY ak_ifa_filter_research DESC