Version History

Before installing, please ensure existing installed addons are updated.

jl_syntax_anywhere - v9.0.9 - resources v9.3.0

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.0.9

9.0.9 - Fix documentation for php8.2. Auto update from Elemental to Atomik.

9.0.8 - Update resources to 9.2.29. Alias PermissionKey to avoid autoloader confusion with AttributeKey.

9.0.7 - Update resources to 9.2.27.

9.0.6 - Resources updated to 9.2.24, improvements to named settings and compatibility with Stored Settings Manager.

9.0.5 - Fix array_key_first issue in fallback.

9.0.4 - Compatibility with core v9.2.0. Update resources to v9.2.14.

9.0.3 - php8 compatibility. Update resources to v9.2.13.

9.0.2 - Update resources to v9.1.22.

9.0.0 - Consolidates addon and resources v9 updates with version numbers from 9.0.0 Import/export further enhanced. Minimum concrete version now 8.5.2.

7.9.2 - Integration of syntax for view settings with new menu. Resources updated to 3.0.5.

7.9.1 - Work-round for ConcreteCMS core and php issue with windows path length. Resources updated to 2.19.33.

7.9.0 - Version 9 compatible while maintaining compatibility with v8. Extended use of cdn assets for language syntax highlighting configuration and themeing. Resources updated to 2.19.31.

7.2.12 - Align with new and marketplace. Resources updated to v2.14.0.

7.2.11 - Resolve conflict with Universal Content Puller Charts

7.2.10 - Fix issue clouding the syntax highlight integration for View Settings overlay. Update resources to 2.13.9.

7.2.9 - Resources updated to v2.13.3. Version information provided with support information.

7.2.8 - Update to resources v2.12.5.

7.2.7 - Exclude syntax processing for any element marked with .syntax-anywhere-exclude class. Updated resources to 2.8.14.

7.2.6 - Documentation template to show syntax highlighter plugin and theme. Developer option to show settings modal. Integrate with updated resources v2.8.8.

7.2.5 - Integrate with updated resources v2.7.9 including permissions for syntax plugins. Minimum concrete5 compatibility now c5 v8.0. The dashboard pages have moved to Dashboard > Stacks & Blocks > Syntax Anywhere.

7.2.3 - php7 compatibility of resources

7.2.2 - Fix bug handling 'do_syntax_anywhere' event following ajax loading of syntax marked content.

7.2.1 - Update to JtFResources component

7.2 - Additional syntax processors using Ace editor and Prism. Improved use of CDN and language options for many more themes and languages.

7.1 - Update to resources v2.1.2 IMPORTANT. This update changes the way global settings are stored. Before updating, go to Syntax Anywhere in the dashboard and Export your settings. After updating, go to Syntax Anywhere in the dashboard and Import your settings.

7.0 - Initial release