Image Selector plugins determine how Omni Gallery selects images and where images are selected from.
Omni Gallery can use a range of image selectors to select images.
Functionality can be extended by adding plugin classes for additional Image Selectors. Image Selector plugins are simple classes that provide the functionality to select a list of images. They should inherit from ImageSelectorPluginBase. Details are provided by comments in the code.
Display images associated with a listed calendar event through event attributes.
Make a Calendar Event list and select one or more attributes that point to images associated with the events. The list of images is generated dynamically when the block is shown.
A dynamic selector will make the final selection of images when the gallery is displayed by listing the entire calendar event list of files. This is suitable for calendar event list that can change over time and needs to be up-to-date, but does incur the processing overhead of listing the calendar event list each time the gallery is viewed. If the concrete5 cache is enabled, this may subsequently be cached. Its generally not a good idea to use a random sort order when a dynamic selector returns more than one page of results.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported attribute types for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.Display images associated with a selected calendar event through event attributes.
Select an event or page-associated event or URL passed event. The list of images is generated dynamically from event attributes when the block is shown.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported attribute types for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.Crawl a directory and subdirectories.
Directory Crawler is completely independent of the concrete5 file manager; it works with system directories. The main configuration fields are a path to a system directory and a URL that points to that system directory. Images will be listed by crawling the directory and subdirectories depth first and image urls derived from that.
Any directory can be listed as long as it is both accessible to the web server (to crawl) and has a url (to serve images). The url does not need to be within the current site. Take care over image security - this image source works with images outside of concrete5, so does not use concrete5 file permissions.
Associated image titles and descriptions can be extracted from embedded exif metadata or from text files with similar names.
Crawling is optimised to retrieve the minimum number of directory listings to locate the next or previous image. This image source is suitable for working with massive image libraries. At no time does directory crawler list everything, it only lists what is required for the next page the display widget will show.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Display images associated with a Express item list through item attributes.
Make an Express item list and select one or more attributes that point to images associated with the items. The list of images is generated dynamically when the block is shown.
A dynamic selector will make the final selection of images when the gallery is displayed by listing the entire express item list of files. This is suitable for express item list that can change over time and needs to be up-to-date, but does incur the processing overhead of listing the express item list each time the gallery is viewed. If the concrete5 cache is enabled, this may subsequently be cached. Its generally not a good idea to use a random sort order when a dynamic selector returns more than one page of results.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported attribute types for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.Display images associated with a selected Express item through its attributes.
Select an Express item. The list of images is generated dynamically from the item attributes when the block is shown.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported attribute types for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.Pick files from the File Manager.
With File Picker you build a list of images by selecting discrete files from the concrete5 File Manager and manually enter title, description and link for display. The dialog is similar to that used in core blocks like the core Image Slider.
All current images in a fileset.
Select a fileset and current images filtered and sorted from that fileset will be displayed.
A dynamic selector will make the final selection of images when the gallery is displayed by listing the entire fileset of files. This is suitable for fileset that can change over time and needs to be up-to-date, but does incur the processing overhead of listing the fileset each time the gallery is viewed. If the concrete5 cache is enabled, this may subsequently be cached. Its generally not a good idea to use a random sort order when a dynamic selector returns more than one page of results.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.
Work through all images in a very large fileset.
Select a fileset and work through all current images filtered and sorted from that fileset. This is good for large or effectively infinite filesets because it only gets images as they are needed.
Unlike a dynamic selector, an infinite dynamic selector only lists the files immediately needed for display. This makes an infinite dynamic selector better suited to a very large fileset because it doesn't waste processing resources to list anything that is not immediately required. The disadvantage is that it cannot anticipate as much about pagination navigation as a full listing would achieve.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.
All images in a fileset when the block is saved.
Select a fileset and a filtered and sorted record will be made of images at the time the dialog is added/edited and saved.
A snapshot image selector will fix the selection of images at the time the image selector is saved. This removes any search or selection overhead when the gallery is displayed, so provides the fastest evaluation for a static fileset that will not change, or when you deliberately do not want to follow any changes.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.
All current images in a folder.
Select a folder and current images filtered and sorted from that folder will be displayed.
A dynamic selector will make the final selection of images when the gallery is displayed by listing the entire folder of files. This is suitable for folder that can change over time and needs to be up-to-date, but does incur the processing overhead of listing the folder each time the gallery is viewed. If the concrete5 cache is enabled, this may subsequently be cached. Its generally not a good idea to use a random sort order when a dynamic selector returns more than one page of results.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.
Work through all images in a very large folder.
Select a folder and chain through all current images filtered and sorted from that folder, optioinally including all subfolders. This is good for large or effectively infinite folders because it only retrieves image data as needed.
Unlike a dynamic selector, an infinite dynamic selector only lists the files immediately needed for display. This makes an infinite dynamic selector better suited to a very large folder because it doesn't waste processing resources to list anything that is not immediately required. The disadvantage is that it cannot anticipate as much about pagination navigation as a full listing would achieve.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.
All images in a folder when the block is saved.
Select a folder and a filtered and sorted record will be made of images at the time the dialog is added/edited and saved.
A snapshot image selector will fix the selection of images at the time the image selector is saved. This removes any search or selection overhead when the gallery is displayed, so provides the fastest evaluation for a static folder that will not change, or when you deliberately do not want to follow any changes.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.
Display images associated with a page list through page attributes.
Make a page list and select one or more page attributes that point to images associated with the pages. The list of images is generated dynamically when the block is shown.
A dynamic selector will make the final selection of images when the gallery is displayed by listing the entire page list of files. This is suitable for page list that can change over time and needs to be up-to-date, but does incur the processing overhead of listing the page list each time the gallery is viewed. If the concrete5 cache is enabled, this may subsequently be cached. Its generally not a good idea to use a random sort order when a dynamic selector returns more than one page of results.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported attribute types for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.Display images associated with a selected page through page attributes.
Select a page or the current page. The list of images is generated dynamically from page attributes when the block is shown.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported attribute types for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.Display images associated with a selected user through user attributes.
Select a user or the current user. Will detect the profiled user when placed on a user profile page. The list of images is generated dynamically from user attributes when the block is shown.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported attribute types for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.Display images associated with a user list through user attributes.
Make a user list and select one or more user attributes that point to images associated with the users. The list of images is generated dynamically when the block is shown.
A dynamic selector will make the final selection of images when the gallery is displayed by listing the entire user list of files. This is suitable for user list that can change over time and needs to be up-to-date, but does incur the processing overhead of listing the user list each time the gallery is viewed. If the concrete5 cache is enabled, this may subsequently be cached. Its generally not a good idea to use a random sort order when a dynamic selector returns more than one page of results.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported attribute types for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.Display images associated with a product list through product properties and attributes.
Make a product list and select one or more product attributes that point to images associated with the products. The list of images is generated dynamically when the block is shown.
A dynamic selector will make the final selection of images when the gallery is displayed by listing the entire product list of files. This is suitable for product list that can change over time and needs to be up-to-date, but does incur the processing overhead of listing the product list each time the gallery is viewed. If the concrete5 cache is enabled, this may subsequently be cached. Its generally not a good idea to use a random sort order when a dynamic selector returns more than one page of results.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported product properties for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.Display images associated with a selected product through product properties and attributes.
Select a Community Store product or the current product. Will detect the current product when placed on a product page. The list of images is generated dynamically from product properties and attributes when the block is shown.
Images can be filtered by dimensions and by extension.
Currently supported product properties for images:
Further attribute types can be configured by editing the config file for jl_omni_gallery.image_attribute_compatibility which maps compatible attribute_typ_handles to Attribute Type Names.
Link URL, name and description associated with images can be extracted from a range of properties, attributes and file exif metadata. Note that extracting exif metadata from a file may be slower than using a concrete5 file property or attribute.