Form reform offers us all the options we need to map the most complicated forms very easily in the front end using blocks. After a short training period, we were able to implement a form that took another agency several weeks to program.
The support is also impeccable, John responded immediately and took care of our problem.
From now on, we will only use forms via Form Reform.
John's Form Reform add-on has been instrumental in enhancing our website's functionality. By incorporating advanced features like multi-step forms with conditional steps, tabbed forms, and custom form controls, we've successfully integrated this add-on with our business systems. The custom processing feature, in particular, has been a game-changer, ensuring seamless operations since our site went live in 2022. John's commitment to code quality and his prompt support have solidified our trust in using ConcreteCMS for our web development needs.
Our main use for Form Reform is to forward enquiry and campaign details to our client's MS Dynamics 365 CRM. Form Reform just keeps on growing with new inputs and handlers you didn't know you needed until you realize how much they can do for you.
John does it again. This is one impressive add-on. Is there anything he hasn't thought of? I can't imagine.
Definitely worth the price and then some.
Kudos John.
I have purchased this add-on for a contact form that emails different people depending on which item from a dropdown menu is selected. The add-on is extremely robust, well-designed and 100% flexible. In terms of value-for-money it is a no-brainer. Total thumbs-up to John for his careful work in producing this add-on.
My impression of Form Reform can be distilled into a quote by Steve Jobs:
"Making an insanely great product has a lot to do with the process of making the product, how you learn things and adopt new ideas and throw out old ideas."
Form Reform is insanely great.
I dare say one of the best add-ons in the ConcreteCMS community, ever. And I've been around a long time watching add-ons and developers come and go. But JohntheFish puts out quality stuff time and time again. This time, though, he's outdone himself.
John's approach to building and managing forms is elegant, yet deceptively powerful. You can do just about anything you can imagine with forms - and considering what's coming down the pipeline, I'm very excited about where this add-on is heading.
It's a breeze for beginners and a dream come true for advanced site builders and developers. My mind is racing at a million miles an hour just thinking about all the things I could do with Form Reform.
Excellent functionalities accompanied by excellent support. And that's not even the best part looking at the roadmap ;)
Integrating Form Reform UTM with Form Reform has significantly enhanced our marketing efforts. This add-on allows us to seamlessly pass campaign attribution data to our business systems, enabling more targeted and effective marketing strategies. The ease of integration and the reliability of this add-on demonstrate John's expertise in creating practical, business-oriented solutions.
This works with Form Reform to pass campaign attribution to our client's MS Dynamics 365 CRM.
If you need a specialized template or a custom input element, you can design new templates or new block types for form elements as you would any block type.
Blocks are easy for third party addition or extension. Block templates and are the first thing any Concrete CMS developer learns to code. They are one of the easiest things to code. The underlying mechanisms are well established and reliable.
Form handlers are built about the same extensible plugin system as many of my other addons (Universal Content Puller, Omni Gallery, Extreme Clean ...).
The whole system is aimed at easy extension within Form Reform, by third party addons, by agencies and by site building developers.
Handlers can be easily added to do whatever you want with the form data.
Saving form data with Form Reform is simply a handler in the processing pipeline. You can save to multiple locations or just one location.
If you need to save data elsewhere, such as to a dedicated table, a table provided through another addon, to another database, send it to an API, forward it to another server, or anywhere you can imagine, you can adapt or develop a form handler to do so.
The complexity of the code depends on where you are saving or sending the data, but wrapping that into a form handler plugin for Form Reform is straight forward.
The Form Reform handler plugin system is designed for easy extension.
Reform the way forms are built. Build a form out of blocks. Take control of how form submissions are processed and how the submitted data is stored. Easy to extend. Easy to reconfigure. Tangible data. Easy to add your own integrations.
Provides blocks and dashboard utilities to List, display, summarize, generate reports and analyze form submissions from Form Reform. Additionally supports integration with Universal Content Puller.
Not just Form Reform and not just UTM! Capture and hold incoming UTM (or other) tags and make the tag values available to Form Reform and/or Conditional Redirect as {{place_holders}}. You don't need Form Reform to use this.
Form handlers for querying Microsoft Dynamics, forwarding and updating form data to Microsoft Dynamics.
A suite of advanced image capture and upload tools. Enhanced drag and drop file uploading. Make screengrabs from within Concrete CMS. Capture images directly from device webcams. Edit images before uploading.
Save submitted forms to Express objects and user attributes. Add and remove users from groups.
Form Reform Image Picker provides an image picking input block for Form Reform. The Image Picker Input is preconfigured to connect to most Omni Gallery gallery and slider display widgets, the core gallery block, and thumbnail showing templates for the core page list block. Advanced settings allow the Image Picker Input to be configured to pick images from other galleries and sliders.
Form Reform Data Picker provides data picking input blocks for Form Reform. The Table Picker Input is preconfigured to connect to Universal Content Puller table display widgets. Advanced settings allow the Table Picker Input to be configured to pick data from other HTML tables.
Extends Form Reform with form handler macros. Provides a new dashboard page at System & Settings > Form Reform > Form Reform Macros to manage macros, and form handlers to run macros.
A growing suite of resources to assist those developing blocks, handlers and more complex forms for Form Reform.
While you may have plans to implement some much more complex forms using Form Reform, we strongly recommend you start with a simple form such as our contact form example in order to review the basic principles of using Form Reform before you move onto anything bigger.