Form Reform Blocks

Forms are easy to build and arrange in Form Reform. You just add blocks to the page for each input. You can extend Form Reform with your own block templates or custom input blocks.

If you are wondering what all these blocks will look like on a page, check out The Kitchen Sink

On this Page

Input control block types

Forms are built by adding blocks for the form inputs to a page. These blocks can be added directly to the page or using stacks, containers and layouts. A Submit Button block submits the form and configures processing of the form.

Address Lookup Input  

Address Lookup input for Form Reform.

Start entering an address or postal code and be presented with matching addresses. When an address is selected, the address data can also be cross-populated to associated form controls such as latitude, longitude, address1, address2, state, country etc.. The Google Places API must be enabled on your google maps API account.

Detailed data from the address lookup will also be returned in a hidden field as JSON. This data will be available to the processing pipeline as {{place.holders}} using dot.notation to index into the data. When not provided, fallback actions may attempt to partially fill the data by parsing the entered text.

A map of address lookup data to other form input fields can be configured to automatically populate further fields in the form. Any specific address will resolve to a subset of these fields. Accuracy and provision depends on data from Google.
  • Street Number [street_number]
  • Route / Road [route]
  • Address 1 [address1]
  • Address 2 [address2]
  • Town / City [town]
  • State code [sc]
  • State [state]
  • Postal code / Zip [postal_code]
  • Postal code prefix [postal_code_prefix]
  • Postal code suffix [postal_code_suffix]
  • Country code [cc]
  • Country [country]
  • Latitude [latitude]
  • Longitude [longitude]
  • Formatted Addr [formatted]
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Options Attribute Checkbox List Input

Checkbox list from Options Attribute values for Form Reform.

Configure a checkbox list to choose from and provide values suitable for saving to an options attribute. Allows the initially selected option to be set.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Options Attribute Radioset Input

Radioset from Options Attribute values for Form Reform.

Configure a radioset to choose from and provide values suitable for saving to an options attribute. Allows the initially selected option to be set.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Options Attribute Select Input

Dropdown select from Options Attribute values for Form Reform.

Configure a select list to choose from and provide values suitable for saving to an options attribute. Allows the initially selected option to be set.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Calendar Picker Input

Calendar picker input for Form Reform. Provides picking one or more events, days or other calendar items from a calendar by superimposing checkboxes to the calendar cells.

This block is for picking events from a calendar, not for inputting dates. If you need to input a dates, use a date input block. By default, the event occurrence ID is returned. Options in the Calendar tab can be used to modify the details saved with the form.

Because form data is returned as an array of event occurrences, the data straight from the form can be awkward to insert into messages using {{data_values}}. Consider using IterateData ... ExtendWithTextItem ... IterateDataEnd handlers, even if only one event is picked. The ExtendWithTextItem handler can then be used to incrementally extend a text string by building the formatted content of each event.

Use Form Reform Developer to dump data from the pipeline and understand the form and iteration data.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Checkbox Input

Checkbox input for Form Reform.

Initial state and required state are configurable. For Bootstrap5 based themes, an option allows rendering as a switch.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Checkbox List Input

Checkbox List input for Form Reform. The default view is for Bootstrap5. Set the bootstrap3_elemental or a custom template for other themes.

Configure a list of checkbox values and labels. Options allow initial checked state to be set. An option allows the list to be shown vertically or horizontally. Checkbox lists vary between themes, so the default block template is designed for Bootstrap5 and we have a separate template for Bootstrap3. For other theme frameworks you may need to create a custom template with appropriate classes. Specific to Bootstrap5 is an option to show the items as switches instead of as checkboxes.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Checkbox List Combi Input

Checkbox List Combi input for Form Reform. The default view is for Bootstrap5. Set the bootstrap3_elemental or a custom template for other themes.

Configure a list of checkbox input values and labels with an other label which opens a text box. Options allow the initial checked items to be set. An option allows the list to be shown vertically or horizontally. Checkbox lists vary between themes, so the default block template is designed for Bootstrap5 and we have a separate template for Bootstrap3. For other theme frameworks you may need to create a custom template with appropriate classes.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Checkbox Matrix Input

Checkbox Matrix input for Form Reform. Build a table of checkbox inputs.

Configure a column list of checkbox input values and labels and a row list of row labels. The columns and rows are then combined into a table of checkbox input groups, one group for each column.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Checkbox + Message Input

Checkbox input with associated rich text message for Form Reform.

Display a checkbox with a rich text message alongside. This can be useful for requiring a user to grant a permission where a complex message about things like privacy or terms with links need to be associated. Initial state and required state are configurable. For Bootstrap5 based themes, an option allows rendering as a switch.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Color Picker Input

Color picker input for Form Reform.

Color format, initial value and many picker options are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Continent Input

Continent input for Form Reform.

Configure a list of continents to select from. Options allow the initially selected continent to be by geolocation or to a default continent.

An Attach After Submit block template can be used with the Geolocation option to render nothing to the form and attach a geolocated continent after the form is submitted.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Country Input

Country input for Form Reform.

Configure a list of countries to select from. Options allow the initially selected country to be by geolocation or to a default country.

An Attach After Submit block template can be used with the Geolocation option to render nothing to the form and attach a geolocated country after the form is submitted.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Country State Input

Country State input for Form Reform.

Configure a list of countries to select country and state from. Options allow the initially selected country to be by geolocation or to a default country.

An Attach After Submit block template can be used with the Geolocation option to render nothing to the form and attach a geolocated country and state/province after the form is submitted.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Custom Text Input

Text input with custom validation for Form Reform

Define a regular expression and/or your own validation function to restrict input to a specific format.

An optional regular expression will be applied in the browser to restrict the entered text and after form submission to validate text on the server. The regular expression will be automatically wrapped in /^ ... $/ where necessary for evaluation. The regular expression must be valid for both JavaScript and PHP.

Optional further validation after submission can be specified by providing the name of a validation class. The validation class should provide a method class_name->validate($text) which returns true/false. For testing, the class JtF\FormReform\Examples\CustomValidate will fail any text containing X.

Minimum and maximum input lengths are also configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Date Input

Date input for Form Reform.

Minimum and maximum dates are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

DateTime Input

DateTime input for Form Reform.

Minimum and maximum dates/times are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Email Input

Email input for Form Reform.

Options set strength of validation and for checking against an MX record.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Email Confirm Input

Email Confirm input for Form Reform. Two email inputs are validated to match.

Options set strength of validation and for checking against an MX record.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Grouped Select Input

Select input for Form Reform with groups of options.

Configure a list of select values and labels divided into groups. Options allow the initially selected option to be set.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Handle Input

Handle input for Form Reform.

Restrict input to lowercase_decimal_and_underscore_handle. Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Handle with Dot Input

Handle with dots input for Form Reform.

Restrict input to lowercase_decimal_and_underscore_handle with "." dots allowed. Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Hidden Input

Hidden input for Form Reform.

An Attach After Submit block template can be used to render nothing to the form and attach the data after the form is submitted. This provides a secure option for some types of fixed data, but cannot be used to maintain data from previous form inputs
This block may be used in repeatable groups

ID Code Input

ID Code input for Form Reform.

ID code length and validation are configurable. Use for a PIN code input and for many other codes.

The Generate ID Code form handler can be used to generate and ID code for subsequent validation. This ID code will need to be communicated to the user, for example through a Message form handler or a Send Email form handler.

On a subsequent form, the user can then enter the code into a Form Reform ID Code input block. The Form Reform ID Code input block can then be validated with the Valid Input Fields form handler or with the Validate ID Code form handler. The first is enabled for automatic validation in the Validation tab of the Form Reform ID Code input block. The alternative using the Validate ID Code form handler facilitates greater flexibility of subsequent processing.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Image Picker Input

Image picker input for Form Reform. Provides dragging images from an Omni Gallery with the capability to be configured to drag images from other galleries and sliders.

Configure an image picker to connect with an Omni Gallery or other gallery, slider or carousel of images. Images in the gallery can then be dragged onto the image picker input element to be selected for the form.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

JSON as Select Input

Derive a select dropdown or nested select dropdown from JSON data.

JSON as Select Input sources data from Universal Content Puller JSON data and other sources.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

JSON as Select Combi Input

Derive a select dropdown or nested select dropdown from JSON data, with added combi option.

JSON as Select Combi Input sources data from Universal Content Puller JSON data and other sources.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Latitude / Longitude Input

Latitude or Longitude input for Form Reform.

Configure a pair of these inputs, one for latitude and one for longitude. Minimum, maximum and step values are configurable within the limits of latitude or longitude. This facilitates flexible layout of the latitude/longitude inputs.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Like Input

Like input for Form Reform.

Register a like by clicking an icon. Icons and icon colours are configurable. Behind the scenes this is a checkbox.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Lowercase Input

Lowercase input for Form Reform.

Restrict input to lowercase text. Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Masked Text Input

Masked Text input for Form Reform.

Define a mask to restrict inputs to a specific format

Mask formatting characters:
  • 9 - A decimal digit
  • A - An letter
  • * - A letter or decimal digit
Any other character will be inserted directly in the text. Alphanumeric characters in the mask may cause issues.

Format characters other than the mask character will be included with the form field in the processing pipeline. Unmasked data is provided as the Input Name suffixed "_unmasked".

Minimum and maximum input lengths are also configurable. When specified, the maximum length must include the placeholder characters in the mask.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Mixed Checkbox and Radioset Matrix Input

A Mixed Matrix input for Form Reform. Build a table where each row contains checkbox inputs and a radioset of inputs.

Configure a column list with a combination of checkbox and radioset inputs and labels, and a row list of row labels. The columns and rows are then combined into a table of input groups, one group for each checkbox column and one group for teh radioset.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Number Input

Number input for Form Reform.

Minimum, maximum and step values are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Numeric Digits Input

Numeric digits input for Form Reform.

Restrict input to numeric digits. Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable. Note: this is not the same as a number input!
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Package Checkbox List Input

Checkbox list from Packages for Form Reform.

Configure a checkbox list to choose from installed packages. Allows the initially selected option to be set.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Package Radioset Input

Radioset from Packages for Form Reform.

Configure a radioset to choose from installed packages. Allows the initially selected option to be set.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Package Select Input

Dropdown select from Packages for Form Reform.

Configure a select list to choose from installed packages. Allows the initially selected option to be set.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Password Input

Password input for Form Reform. For entering a password. Use "Password Confirm" for setting a password.

Minimum and maximum password lengths are configurable. Password inputs are not saved with form data. If you use a password input, you also need to implement a handler that uses that input for whatever you are applying a password to.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Password Confirm Input

Password Confirm input for Form Reform. Two passwords are validated to match.

Minimum and maximum password lengths are configurable. Password inputs are not saved with form data. If you use a password input, you also need to implement a handler that uses that input for whatever you are applying a password to.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Radio Matrix Input

Radio Matrix input for Form Reform. Build a table of radio options.

Configure a column list of radio input values and labels and a row list of row labels. The columns and rows are then combined into a table of radio input groups, one group for each column.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Radioset Input

Radioset input for Form Reform. The default view is for Bootstrap5. Set the bootstrap3_elemental or a custom template for other themes.

Configure a list of radio input values and labels. Options allow the initial selected item to be set. An option allows the list to be shown vertically or horizontally. Radioset lists vary between themes, so the default block template is designed for Bootstrap5 and we have a separate template for Bootstrap3. For other theme frameworks you may need to create a custom template with appropriate classes.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Radioset Combi Input

Radioset Combi input for Form Reform. The default view is for Bootstrap5. Set the bootstrap3_elemental or a custom template for other themes.

Configure a list of radio input values and labels with an other label which opens a text box. Options allow the initial selected item to be set. An option allows the list to be shown vertically or horizontally. Radioset lists vary between themes, so the default block template is designed for Bootstrap5 and we have a separate template for Bootstrap3. For other theme frameworks you may need to create a custom template with appropriate classes.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Range Input

Range input for Form Reform.

For restricted ranges of numbers to show in a range slider. Minimum, maximum and step values are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Rating Input

Rating input for Form Reform.

Rate by selecting from a list of icons from zero to a maximum (default 0 to 5 stars). Minimum, maximum, icons and icon colours are configurable. Rating values are stored as floating point decimals from 0 to 1. Behind the scenes this is a radioset.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Result Picker Input

Result picker input for Form Reform. Provides picking one or more previous form submissions from a list presented by Form Reform Display, Reviews or other compatible lists.

A Result Picker Input source lists identify form submissions by an encrypted key which is translated back to a form result ID for use in the form pipeline.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Rich Text Input

Rich text input for Form Reform.

Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable.

Whilst the rich text editor has many options, you should keep the edit controls presented to your visitors to the minimum necessary for your forms. This form control is not a word processor. Allowing images, links, tables, fonts etc. will require you to work out how these options integrate with your theme. Use of such options is not supported with Form Reform.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Select Input

Select input for Form Reform.

Configure a list of select values and labels. Options allow the initially selected option to be set.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Select Combi Input

Select Combi input for Form Reform.

Configure a list of select values and labels with an other label which opens a text box. Options allow the initially selected option to be set.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Signature Input

Signature input for Form Reform.

The user can draw a signature with their mouse or touch device. This is saved with the form data as a base64 encoded image.

Whilst the the Initial Value can be set to persist a previously entered signature, for security we recommend a signature is not persisted beyond the current form submission.

When persisted a signature may not be edited, but may be cleared and re-entered if a clear button is enabled.

The signature may be saved as base64 data with the form submission. Form save handlers may be configured to redact the signature field from form data. The signature image is not added as an image in the file manager.

To use a signature, such as in an email or message, insert an html image <img src="{{form:my_signature_field}}">.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Drag & Drop File Input  

Drag & Drop file upload input for Form Reform.

Integrates the SnapShot Drag & Drop file uploader with a Form Reform input control.

Files are first uploaded into a quarantine folder, then added to their final File Manager location following a successful form submission.

The Snapshot Drag & Drop Uploader provides an enhanced uploader where users can edit file title and description and even edit and annotate png and jpeg images before uploading. Uploadable file types can be configured by file extension and are not limited to just image files, any configured file type can be uploaded.

The Drag & Drop uploader tool has no specific security requirements. The Drag & Drop uploader tool is available, subject to browser support
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Screengrab File Input  

Screengrab input for Form Reform.

Integrates the SnapShot Screengrab tool with a Form Reform input control.

Files are first uploaded into a quarantine folder, then added to their final File Manager location following a successful form submission.

The Snapshot Screengrab tool enables users to capture a screengrab from within the web site. Users can edit a file title and description and even edit and annotate the image before uploading the screengrab. The dashboard toolbar button can optionally be configured to capture pages in edit mode and any edit dialogs.

The Screen Capture tool requires a site to be https:// or on a localhost. The Screen Capture tool is available, subject to browser support
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Webcam File Input  

Webcam input for Form Reform.

Integrates the SnapShot Webcam tool with a Form Reform input control.

Files are first uploaded into a quarantine folder, then added to their final File Manager location following a successful form submission.

The Snapshot Webcam tool enables users to capture images from device cameras such as a desktop webcam or the front and back cameras on a mobile phone. Users can edit a file title and description and even edit and annotate the image before uploading each image snapped. With the user facing camera in mind, the camera image can be switched between a direct image or a mirror reflection of the image.

The Webcam tool requires a site to be https:// or on a localhost. The Webcam tool is available, subject to browser support
This block may be used in repeatable groups

State Input

State select input for Form Reform.

Configure a list of States to select from. Options allow the initially selected state to be by geolocation or to a default state.

An Attach After Submit block template can be used with the Geolocation option to render nothing to the form and attach a geolocated state after the form is submitted.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Table as Select Input

Derive a select dropdown or nested select dropdown from table data by rows or by columns.

Table as Select Input sources data from Universal Content Puller tables and can be configured to work with other tables.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Table as Select Combi Input

Derive a select dropdown or nested select dropdown from table data by rows or by columns, with added combi option.

Table as Select Combi Input sources data from Universal Content Puller tables and other html table elements.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Table Picker Input

Table picker input for Form Reform. Provides picking one or more items from a table by superimposing checkboxes to the table cells.

Table Picker Input sources data from Universal Content Puller tables and can be configured to work with other tables.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Telephone Number Input

Telephone Number input for Form Reform.

Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Text Input

Text input for Form Reform.

Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Text Confirm Input

Text Confirm input for Form Reform. Two inputs are validated to match.

Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Text Area Input

Text Area input for Form Reform.

Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Time Input

Time input for Form Reform.

Minimum and maximum times are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Up Down Vote Input

Up Down Vote input for Form Reform.

Register an up or down vote by clicking an icon. Icons and icon colours are configurable. Behind the scenes this is a radioset.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Uppercase Input

Uppercase input for Form Reform.

Restrict input to UPPERCASE TEXT. Minimum and maximum input lengths are configurable.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Url Input

Url input for Form Reform.

Options add a ping to validate the actual URL.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Special purpose block types

Advanced Form Dependency  

Counts filtered results from the default form store by name, page, store, date/time, and conditions pertaining to the form data. The count is then compared to a validation condition.

When the validation condition is matched, a message is shown and an optional redirect made. Any check that redirects will skip further checks. For multiple checks, multiple instances of this block can be added to the page. Users with edit permission are never redirected.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups


Captcha for Form Reform.

The captcha block inserts a captcha as configured through Captcha Setup and validates that captcha when the form is submitted.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

CCM Token

CCM Token spam and CSRF trap for Form Reform.

A security token to validate the page a form is associated with. Tokens are valid for 24 hours, hence this block should not be used on forms/pages that are cached for longer than 24 hours.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Geofence Continent

Geofence Continent for Form Reform.

Visitors are geolocated by IP address and any not matching the continent location rules will fail validation. Options allow matching for inclusion/exclusion, exempting administrators, considering a failed check as spam and redirect on page load.

In the Redirect tab:
  • When Stay on this page is selected, the geofence will be checked when the form is submitted.
  • When Redirect is selected, the geofence will be checked when the page is loaded. Any geofence based redirect will be made immediately and a redirected visitor will not be given any chance to use the form.
Do not rely on this as a sole spam check. IP addresses and hence geolocation can be forged.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Geofence Country

Geofence Country for Form Reform.

Visitors are geolocated by IP address and not matching the country location rules will fail validation. Options allow matching for inclusion/exclusion, exempting administrators, considering a failed check as spam and redirect on page load.

In the Redirect tab:
  • When Stay on this page is selected, the geofence will be checked when the form is submitted.
  • When Redirect is selected, the geofence will be checked when the page is loaded. Any geofence based redirect will be made immediately and a redirected visitor will not be given any chance to use the form.
Do not rely on this as a sole spam check. IP addresses and hence geolocation can be forged.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups


Honeypot spam trap for Form Reform.

Just leave it there and the dumb spammers will show themselves by trying to fill it in.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Message Display

Display a Form Reform response message.

Messages are generated by the submit handling pipeline. This block is a placeholder for displaying those messages following submission of a form.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Prohibit Repeated Form

Prevent form from being entered if it has already been submitted.

Checks one or more form stores for completion of the form by name, page, store and time. If the form has already been completed, a message is shown and an optional redirect made. Any check that redirects will skip further checks. For multiple checks, multiple instances of this block can be added to the page. Users with edit permission are never redirected.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

QR Reader Extend

Attach a QR code reader to one or more inputs.

The QR reader will be offered as a modal pop-up for the attached inputs. When a QR Reader Extend is attached to a control repeated in a group this block could be placed inside a repeatable group, but it is better to place it outside the group - it will still attach to all repetitions of an input.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Repeatable Group

Repeatable group control for Form Reform.

Provides an in-page toolbar for a repeatable group. A repeatable group can to use a container, layout, stack or any other grouping of input blocks as a repeatable group of inputs and manage the repetition of that group.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Require Form

Require another form/page to be completed before this form can be shown.

Checks one or more form stores for completion of another form by name, page, store and time. If the other form has not completed, a message shown and an optional redirect made to the other form page. Any check that redirects will skip further checks. For multiple checks, multiple instances of this block can be added to the page. Users with edit permission are never redirected.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups


A spinner to show while a form is submitting.

The spinner can be configured to overlay the whole page or only the form or only the form control. Alternative spinners are available as block templates.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Submit Button

Submit a form created with Form Reform and manage the submit handling.

The Submit Button submits a form with all user-entered data from the form input blocks and manages the processing of that data by configuring a pipeline of Form Handlers.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Text Suggestions

Attach a list of suggestions to one or more text inputs.

The list of suggestions will then be offered for the attached inputs. When Suggestions are attached to a control repeated in a group this block could be placed inside a repeatable group, but it is better to place it outside the group - it will still attach to all repetitions of an input.
This block may be used in repeatable groups

Visibility Rules Engine

Apply visibility rules to any block.

Use one or more Visibility Rules Engine blocks to apply visibility rules to any DOM element. For example, show/hide a content block according to the value of a form control.
This block cannot be used inside repeatable groups

Additional Pages

Reform the way you add new input controls

If you need a specialized template or a custom input element, you can design new templates  or new block types for form elements as you would any block type.

Blocks are easy for third party addition or extension. Block templates and are the first thing any Concrete CMS developer learns to code. They are one of the easiest things to code. The underlying mechanisms are well established and reliable.

Reform what you can do with form data

Form handlers are built about the same extensible plugin system as many of my other addons (Universal Content Puller, Omni Gallery, Extreme Clean ...).

The whole system is aimed at easy extension within Form Reform, by third party addons, by agencies and by site building developers.

Handlers can be easily added to do whatever you want with the form data.

Reform where you can save form data

Saving form data with Form Reform is simply a handler in the processing pipeline. You can save to multiple locations or just one location.

If you need to save data elsewhere, such as to a dedicated table, a table provided through another addon, to another database, send it to an API, forward it to another server, or anywhere you can imagine, you can adapt or develop a form handler to do so.

The complexity of the code depends on where you are saving or sending the data, but wrapping that into a form handler plugin for Form Reform is straight forward.

The Form Reform handler plugin system is designed for easy extension.

Form Reform

Reform the way forms are built. Build a form out of blocks. Take control of how form submissions are processed and how the submitted data is stored. Easy to extend. Easy to reconfigure. Tangible data. Easy to add your own integrations.

Form Reform Display

Provides blocks and dashboard utilities to List, display, summarize, generate reports and analyze form submissions from Form Reform. Additionally supports integration with Universal Content Puller.

Form Reform UTM

Not just Form Reform and not just UTM! Capture and hold incoming UTM (or other) tags and make the tag values available to Form Reform and/or Conditional Redirect as {{place_holders}}. You don't need Form Reform to use this.

Form Reform Dynamics

Form handlers for querying Microsoft Dynamics, forwarding and updating form data to Microsoft Dynamics.


A suite of advanced image capture and upload tools. Enhanced drag and drop file uploading. Make screengrabs from within Concrete CMS. Capture images directly from device webcams. Edit images before uploading.

Form Reform Attributes, Express and Users

Save submitted forms to Express objects and user attributes. Add and remove users from groups.

Form Reform Image Picker

Form Reform Image Picker provides an image picking input block for Form Reform. The Image Picker Input is preconfigured to connect to most Omni Gallery gallery and slider display widgets, the core gallery block, and thumbnail showing templates for the core page list block. Advanced settings allow the Image Picker Input to be configured to pick images from other galleries and sliders.

Form Reform Data Picker

Form Reform Data Picker provides data picking input blocks for Form Reform. The Table Picker Input is preconfigured to connect to Universal Content Puller table display widgets. Advanced settings allow the Table Picker Input to be configured to pick data from other HTML tables.

Form Reform Macros

Extends Form Reform with form handler macros. Provides a new dashboard page at System & Settings > Form Reform > Form Reform Macros to manage macros, and form handlers to run macros.

Form Reform Developer

A growing suite of resources to assist those developing blocks, handlers and more complex forms for Form Reform.

Learn with a simple form

While you may have plans to implement some much more complex forms using Form Reform, we strongly recommend you start with a simple form such as our contact form example in order to review the basic principles of using Form Reform before you move onto anything bigger.

  1. Start by submitting the form at Getting Started - Your First Form a few times, even making some deliberate mistakes.
  2. Watch our Getting Started with Form Reform video to see how the form is built.
  3. Read through the rest of Getting Started - Your First Form for more details of how this form is built.
  4. Create a test page on your site to build your own version of Getting Started - Your First Form and experiment.
  5. Develop your test page with some of the concepts introduced by our further examples and experiment with some of the other form inputs.