A form handler pipeline can have two kinds of conditional processing. Nearly all forms will have some kind of Error Handling based on input validation or spam catching. This kind of conditional processing is constructed using the On Error / On Success form handlers.
Condition If, Condition ElseIf, Condition Else and Condition End form handlers are Form Reform's second kind of conditional processing. These can be used to implement a more involved if/elseif/else logic by specifying conditions on form and CMS data.
Lets start with some basic rules:
When the expression(s) in a Condition If evaluates to true, the immediately following handlers are run. Otherwise processing jumps forwards to the next Condition handler, such as Condition Elseif, Condition Else or Condition End.
A Condition If handler sequence should not be used for error handling. We have On Success ... On Error for general error processing. However, you could use a Condition If to implement some more complex validation for a specific input or for a combination of inputs.
Here you could use a Condition If ... Condition End to check for the complex validation and use a Set Error handler to register an error if the Condition If fails (or passes).
Then after the Condition End the new error can be managed with the usual On Success ... On Error handlers.
... usual spam and validation
Condition If ... check if an input is greater than another input
Set Error "This input must be less than that input"
Condition End
On Success
... process the form and report success.
On Error
... report errors and end.
A convenient way to evaluate a condition and set an error is to use the Set Error Conditional handler. This is effectively the equivalent of the handler pipeline sequence Condition If ... Set Error ... Condition End.
Another application could be directing forms to different processing depending on form content. For example, sending an email to a different regional office depending on a potential client's geographic location.
... usual spam and validation
Condition If ... check if continent is North America
Send Email to Portland Oregon office
Condition ElseIf ... check if continent is Europe
Send Email to Munich Germany office
Condition ElseIf ... check if country is Australia of New Zealand
Send Email to Auckland New Zealand office
Condition Else
Set Error "Unfortunately we don't support this location"
Condition End
On Success
... process the form and report success.
On Error
... report errors and end.
Similar chains of processing could be used to direct customers to a local retailer, or to direct small enquiries to a retailer but to handle bigger enquiries directly.
Some form handlers are now extended to include optional condition evaluation, thus simplifying conditional execution of the handler. This is effectively the equivalent of the handler pipeline sequence Condition If ... Handler ... Condition End. Handlers with conditional processing at the time of writing are:
Check the handler documentation and help for latest.
We can extend this kind of processing across multiple step forms, where the Next Form State handler is used to manage a different set of form steps depending on outcome of previous steps.
For example, suppose you are building a multi-step form about retirement plans. The form questions could be different depending on whether a visitor has already retired.
Processing for the first step of the form could be something like:
... usual spam and validation
On Success
... process the form and report success.
Condition If ... form checkbox 'Are you already retired' is ticked
Next state 2 (show form questions for those already retired)
Condition Else
Next state 3 (fshow orm questions for those not yet retired)
Condition End
On Error
... report errors and end.
For steps 2 or 3 we then have further form inputs and submit buttons with associated handler pipelines specific to step 2 (already retired) and step 3 (not yet retired). These could end the form, split to further states, or recombine at step 4 for a common end to the form.
Condition expressions can be configured within a Condition If or Condition ElseIf handler. In essence, a condition expression has two items to compare, then a specification of how they should be compared.
Data from the form inputs, about the visitor or from the CMS can be inserted into the items to compare using {{place_holders}}.
The comparison can be made as Case Sensitive text, Case Invariant text, or Numeric. At the time of writing, the available comparisons are:
Matching uses Glob pattern matching where * means any number of characters and ? means a single character.
In general, if you are matching against a form input, make the form input the first item and the match pattern the second item. For example:
Matches / Case Invariant
To test for the numerous states beginning with A.
Whilst you can't nest Condition If processing, within a Condition If or Condition ElseIf you can have multiple condition expressions chained together with AND or OR.
At the bottom of any condition expression is a radio set to do one of end the expression or continue with AND or OR.
At the end of the first condition expression, all options are available. Selecting AND or OR will show another condition, where further condition sub-expressions are limited to the previously selected AND or OR.
Within any Condition If or Condition ElseIf, you can have up to 5 condition expressions combined in this way, all AND or all OR.
If you need more than 5 conditions in any Form Reform condition, this number of conditions can be configured in application/config/ at jl_form_reform.condition_if.max_conditions.
(This is the same condition engine as used in Conditional Redirect attribute)
Having said that, if the chain of handlers is really long, it may be more convenient to manage with a custom form input or a custom handler that embodies the decision process for you, Condition If ... Condition End is not intended for massively complex processing flow.
The Options tab of the Submit block dialogue provides debugging and logging options.
See Problem Solving for more about Condition If and associated condition handlers and for details of logging and debug levels.
If you need a specialized template or a custom input element, you can design new templates or new block types for form elements as you would any block type.
Blocks are easy for third party addition or extension. Block templates and are the first thing any Concrete CMS developer learns to code. They are one of the easiest things to code. The underlying mechanisms are well established and reliable.
Form handlers are built about the same extensible plugin system as many of my other addons (Universal Content Puller, Omni Gallery, Extreme Clean ...).
The whole system is aimed at easy extension within Form Reform, by third party addons, by agencies and by site building developers.
Handlers can be easily added to do whatever you want with the form data.
Saving form data with Form Reform is simply a handler in the processing pipeline. You can save to multiple locations or just one location.
If you need to save data elsewhere, such as to a dedicated table, a table provided through another addon, to another database, send it to an API, forward it to another server, or anywhere you can imagine, you can adapt or develop a form handler to do so.
The complexity of the code depends on where you are saving or sending the data, but wrapping that into a form handler plugin for Form Reform is straight forward.
The Form Reform handler plugin system is designed for easy extension.
Reform the way forms are built. Build a form out of blocks. Take control of how form submissions are processed and how the submitted data is stored. Easy to extend. Easy to reconfigure. Tangible data. Easy to add your own integrations.
Provides blocks and dashboard utilities to List, display, summarize, generate reports and analyze form submissions from Form Reform. Additionally supports integration with Universal Content Puller.
Not just Form Reform and not just UTM! Capture and hold incoming UTM (or other) tags and make the tag values available to Form Reform and/or Conditional Redirect as {{place_holders}}. You don't need Form Reform to use this.
Form handlers for querying Microsoft Dynamics, forwarding and updating form data to Microsoft Dynamics.
A suite of advanced image capture and upload tools. Enhanced drag and drop file uploading. Make screengrabs from within Concrete CMS. Capture images directly from device webcams. Edit images before uploading.
Save submitted forms to Express objects and user attributes. Add and remove users from groups.
Form Reform Image Picker provides an image picking input block for Form Reform. The Image Picker Input is preconfigured to connect to most Omni Gallery gallery and slider display widgets, the core gallery block, and thumbnail showing templates for the core page list block. Advanced settings allow the Image Picker Input to be configured to pick images from other galleries and sliders.
Form Reform Data Picker provides data picking input blocks for Form Reform. The Table Picker Input is preconfigured to connect to Universal Content Puller table display widgets. Advanced settings allow the Table Picker Input to be configured to pick data from other HTML tables.
Extends Form Reform with form handler macros. Provides a new dashboard page at System & Settings > Form Reform > Form Reform Macros to manage macros, and form handlers to run macros.
A growing suite of resources to assist those developing blocks, handlers and more complex forms for Form Reform.
While you may have plans to implement some much more complex forms using Form Reform, we strongly recommend you start with a simple form such as our contact form example in order to review the basic principles of using Form Reform before you move onto anything bigger.