Version History

Always update Universal Content Puller before updating any other Universal Content Puller components.

Universal Content Puller

jl_universal_content_puller - v9.3.20 - resources v9.3.8

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.3.20

9.3.20 - Compatibility with new marketplace linter. Update vendor libraries.

9.3.19 - Fix 'first column as headings' and 'slice' when transforming numeric headings. Fix paginate with transform for php8. Update resources to 9.3.0.

9.3.18 - Update resources to 9.2.29. Alias PermissionKey to avoid autoloader confusion with AttributeKey.

9.3.17 - Update resources to 9.2.27.

9.3.16 - Resources updated to 9.2.24, improvements to named settings and compatibility with Stored Settings Manager.

9.3.15 - Update resources to 9.2.23. Fix array_key_first in pipeline handler.

9.3.14 - Fix php8 issue in MultiLevelList display. Resources updated to 9.2.21.

9.3.13 - Disable block cache while indexing search (core block view doesn't like it). Update resources to v9.2.16.

9.3.12 - Option to include design styles for pulled areas and stacks.

9.3.11 - Extra guidance on pre/post install screens.

9.3.10 - Fix php8 issue with block identity option in paginated content display.

9.3.9 - Compatibility with core v9.2.0. Update resources to v9.2.14.

9.3.8 - php8 fixes for JSON display and ajax stack source

9.3.7 - Fix secondary error arising from pipeline string/array incompatibility following exception. Improve display of secondary errors.

9.3.6 - Resources updated to 9.2.8.

9.3.5 - Fix showLoader error for guests on an ajax loading block in v9.

9.3.4 - Enhancements to Table Sorter transform. Minimum core version now 8.5.4. Resources updated to 9.2.7

9.3.3 - Fix IP address cache bug in resources. Resources updated to 9.2.4

9.3.2 - Additional classes to facilitate styling content displays in css.

9.3.1 - In edit data preview now limited to first 20 items. Flatten option in transforms has additional options to implode. New transforms Key Regex to modify keys, Value Filter by matching value or empty items and Remove Duplicate Values. Multi Level List content display has new option to make the heading for each level an expander for the level below. Multi Level List can pick headings by key from the level below. Placement of edit dialogue tooltip help improved.

9.3.0 - php8 compatibility. This update involves many small changes - minor issues are expected.

9.2.1 - Update resources to v9.1.22.

9.2.0 - Provide hooks for integration with Form Reform. Resources updated to v9.1.8.

9.1.1 - New transform to convert text encoding. Resources updated to v9.1.1.

9.1.0 - New content sources for file sets and file folders. Resources updated to v9.1.0.

9.0.7 - Fix configuration issue. Resources updated to 9.0.4.

9.0.6 - Provision for Dynamic Values extension.

9.0.5 - Resources updated to 9.0.3.

9.0.4 - Update resources to 9.0.2. Clarify save settings. Automatically clear propagation of view settings option.

9.0.3 - Fix issue with overlapping menu items in import dialogue on v8.

9.0.2 - Add HTML Fix transform. Add options for trim values, headings from columns, headings from rows to several transforms.

9.0.1 - Fix issue with permissions update when multiple front-end users of JtF resources are installed.

9.0.0 - Consolidates addon and resources v9 updates with version numbers from 9.0.0. Import/export further enhanced.

8.9.13 - Extended Import/Export options. Resources updated to 3.0.3.

8.9.12 - New Direct Table content source. Enter a table of data directly into the edit dialogue.

8.9.11 - Resources updated to 3.0.0. Improve export/import resolution where plugin names have been translated.

8.9.10 - Work-round for ConcreteCMS core and php issue with windows path length. Resources updated to 2.19.33.

8.9.9 - Fix php7 compatibility in Calendar Event source.

8.9.8 - Resources updated to 2.19.30.

8.9.7 - Development version only.

8.9.6 - New transform First Row to Keys. Resources updated to 2.19.29.

8.9.5 - New edit dialog Preview option to examine a dump of incoming data to transforms and display.

This update involved many small changes - minor issues are expected.

8.9.4 - Fix issue with auto-cropping of tables.

8.9.3 - Remove upper limit on Google Sheet ID.

8.9.2 - Fix attempt to register assets on null package when core uninstall has failed. Resources updated to 2.19.25.

8.9.1 - Fix Google sheet selection by name input. Resources updated to 2.19.24.

8.9.0 - Core v9 compatibility while maintaining compatibility with v8. Resources updated to 2.19.19.

8.3.1 - Extended diagnostics for empty content.

8.3.0 - Refactor pipeline to a recursive structure. New transform, Transform with Cache.

8.2.5 - New transform Key Filter.

8.2.4 - Updated for new marketplace. Enhance support version information. Resources updated to 2.14.2.

8.2.3 - New page area pulling element, to integrate with Omni Gallery Elements.

8.2.2 - New content source for calendar events. Resources updated to v2.13.11.

8.2.1 - Fix edit dialog tips when pipeline transform applied.

8.2.0 - New Google Sheets content source. New Table Sorter content translation. Table from CSV and Array Hacker now provide auto-crop for trailing empty rows/columns.

8.1.3 - Allow content display plugins to override edit mode marker. Resources updated to v2.13.9.

8.1.2 - Fix slicing bug introduced to List Selector transform by pipeline refactoring. Resources updated to v2.13.6.

8.1.1 - Resources updated to v2.13.3. Improvements to searchable content. Version information provided with support information.

8.1.0 - Class Rules engine added to Content Displays: Table, List Picker, Data Picker, Multi Level List. Resources updated to v2.13.0. Bug in Table elements classes fixed. Table cells styled using the previously incorrect classes may need css updating. Before doing so, consider using Class Rules for conditional styling.

8.0.20 - Search indexing improved to work round a core bug and to index ajax loading content.

8.0.19 - Update to resources v2.12.5.

8.0.18 - New transforns: Key Mapper, Key Picker. New display: Serialize Paginate (moved from UCI). Install dependency for php7+. Update to resources v2.12.14.

8.0.17 - Update to resources v2.12.13.

8.0.16 - Maintain checkbox settings in 'with Form' sources.

8.0.15 - Updated resources v2.11.7.

8.0.14 - Pipeline transform, build complex transforms by assembling a pipeline of other transforms.

8.0.13 - 'with Form' extended to handle page and user attributes.

8.0.12 - Fix front end validation regex for wrapper element tag.

8.0.11 - URL with Form content source.

8.0.10 - Improved paginator. Extended built in debug capabilities.

8.0.8, 8.0.9 - Development only, not released.

8.0.7 - Support for Universal Content Importer, an extension package that provides generic bulk import of pages from any site.

8.0.6 - Development only, not released.

8.0.5 - AJAX pagination for AJAX pulled content.

8.0.4 - Express Entity list source. Data picker content display. Update resources to 2.8.15.

8.0.3 - Fix issue in group select widget in resources. Update resources to 2.8.14.

8.0.2 - Page list source. User list source. Array Hacker transform. Modified Core option for autolinker to handle images. Updated resources v2.8.9.

8.0.1 - List Selector transform. List Picker display. Developer option to show settings modal. Integrate with updated resources v2.8.8.

8.0 - First release after review/approval

XX Sources

jl_universal_content_puller_xx_sources - v9.1.2.1

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.1.2

9.1.2 - Extra guidance on pre/post install screens.

9.1.1 - fix v9 instance of request used to determine when to check SQL

9.1.0 - php8 compatibility.

9.0.0 - Updated to 9.0 to clarify status. Fix issue with SQLite filter transform auto column naming.

8.9.3 - Prevent exception in preview when no SQL provided.

8.9.2 - Fix backward compatibility issue in source pagination query.

8.9.1 - New transforms SQL Extract and SQL Extract with Form. Base classes refactored to facilitate SQL based transforms. 

8.9.0 - Core v9 compatibility while maintaining compatibility with v8.

8.1.0 - New SQLite content sources.

8.0.4 - 'with Form' extended to handle page and user attributes.

8.0.3 - Site Database with Form and Any Database with Form content sources added.

8.0.2 - Optional count query SQL input for predicting pagination.

8.0.1 - Edit dialog now uses Ace syntax editor for SQL input.

8.0.0 - First release after review/approval


jl_universal_content_puller_charts - v9.1.1

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.1.1

9.1.1 - Extra guidance on pre/post install screens.

9.1.0 - php8 compatibility. Fix back compatibility issues introduced by Concrete 9.1.

1.9.6 - Clean up asset loading in v9. Update not necessary for v8 sites.

1.9.5 - Fix issue with colour list editor in v8.5 introduced by v9 compatibility.

1.9.4 - Use conditional polyfill for Intl.NumberFormat for some devices (Samsung)

1.9.3 - Provide fallback for unknown locales in chart.js.

1.9.2 - Block NaN bug for minimumFractionDigits in chart.js.

1.9.1 - Update chart.js library to version 3.6.0.

1.9.0 - Core v9 compatibility while maintaining compatibility with v8.

1.1.3 - Option to use format strings for Tooltips and Data Labels. To dump all placeholders use R:{rh} C:{ch} V1:{v1} V2:{v2} V3:{v3}

1.1.2 - Extended diagnostics for empty content.

1.1.1 - Chart.js updated to v3.5.0. Chart text sizes configurable through edit dialogue.

1.1.0 - New display for advanced chart keys.

1.0.1 - New capability for charts to render in overlays when integrated with Omni Gallery Elements and other overlay addons.

1.0 - Marketplace approval

Before marketplace approval

0.8.3 - Locale explicitly passed to chart library for localization of number formats. Chart.js updated to v3.4.0.

0.8.2 - Update datalabels to v2.0.0. Warning about label and tooltip consistency added to edit dialogue.

0.8.1 - Clean up scripts. Fix intersection observer behaviour. Fix tooltips when pipeline transform applied.

0.8.0 - Review version.


jl_universal_content_puller_elements - v9.0.1

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.0.1

9.0.1 - Extra guidance on pre/post install screens.

9.0.0 -  php8 compatibility.

1.0.0  - Release version.

Before marketplace approval

0.8.1 - Change concrete5 to Concrete CMS in package description.

0.8.0 - Review version.


jl_universal_content_puller_attribute - v9.0.1

ConcreteCMS Marketplace v9.0.1

9.0.1 - Extra guidance on pre/post install screens.

9.0.0 - php8 compatibility.

1.0.0 - PRB approval and release..

Before marketplace approval

0.9.1 - Remove unneeded $setting_name. Standardise single quotes. Remove unneeded icon.psd from zip.

0.9.0 - PRB review. Requires Universal Content Puller  v9.0.2+

Always update Universal Content Puller before updating any other Universal Content Puller components.

Additional Pages

About this Sidebar

Creating a sidebar for a group of pages without messing about with stacks is an easy use-case for Universal Content Puller.

This sidebar is edited once, within the main addon page for Universal Content Puller.

It is then pulled into all UCP sub-pages using a UCP block.

The Content Source is Parent Page, set to pull the Sidebar area from 2 pages from the top. The Content Transform is Selector, set to remove container and row classes that, when unnecessarily nested, could mess up the Bootstrap grid. The Content Display is Plain, which just outputs the transformed text.

In the advanced settings, sanitization is disabled as we trust the source page and don't want to strip out any formatting or functionality from the pulled sidebar.